Lord of the Sixth Hell
The Hag Countess of Malbolge
Aliases: Bat Zurge, Ardat Lili, Agrat bat Mohlat, Naemah, Abeko, Abito, Abro, Abyzu, Ailo, Ailu, Amiz, Ardud Lili, Auitu, Batna, Bituah, Eilo, Gullu, Gelou, Gibu, Heva, Ita, Izarpo, 'ik, 'lls, Kali, Kea, Lamagard, Lamassu, Lilit, Malagard, Malili, Malamassu, Odam, Partasah, Partasha, Patrota, Petrota, Podo, Pods, Raphi, Satrina, Thitno, Talto, Zefonth
AoC: Wind, darkness, deserts, witches, seduction, domination, freedom
Symbol: Mark of Lilith (a triple whip-lash)
Superior: The Dark Lord of Nessus
Allies: Belial, Fierana, Persephone, Anshar, Cegilune, Geryon
Subordinates: Bethage, Tartach, Bileth, Balzecue, Sthenno, Aello, Celaeno, Kelaino, Lelaino, Nicotho, Ocypete, Podarge, the Empusae, the asakku, Bis, Aluqa, Karina, Lel, Euryale
Rivals: Mammon, Moloch, Baalzebul
Special Attacks Charm, fear, Fascination
Special Qualities Affinity with air and darkness, unaffected by most weapons. Lilith can be affected only by weapons or spells related to water or light.
Size: L (9' tall, 40' wingspan)
Feats/Skills: Tracking, Alertness, Smuggling, Gather Information, Brew Poison or narcotic, Scribe Scroll, Whip Use
Equipment/Magic Items: poison, narcotics
Appearance: Lilith is a winged woman made of shadow, with black talons like an asuras and a serpentine tail. She appears in many other forms, spending most of her time in disguise; a common one is a winged hag, but when she wishes to test the support of her minions she appears as a hellcat, an infernal owl, a mephit, a nightshade, a human or tiefling child, or even a paladin.
Background: Lilith was crafted by the Lords of Baator to haunt Prime Material deserts, stealing children, corrupting men, and recruiting witches to their cause. She was served by many legions of erinyes, abishai, hellcats, vampires, and harpies, as well as fiendish tutors in the sorcerous arts. Thought to be older than humanity, Lilith fulfilled her role across the ages until it was feared she might become a goddess. To prevent this from happening, she was ordered back to Baator and bound to Count Moloch, who became the Horned King to her Great Goddess. She viewed him with hatred, and thought fondly of the kiss of the desert wind and her throngs of adoring consorts and covens. She schemed with the legate Tartach, nightmare keeper Bileth, and the mistress of discipline Euyale, making and unmaking plots to overthrow Moloch or Beelzebub.
During the last Great Upheaval, while Beelzebub and his camp were busy with the war, she made her move. She whispered to her lover that his greatest opportunities lay with supporting the Lord of the Flies. With Geryon's help, she arranged for Moloch's armies to betray him on the front in the City of Dis. Again taking Lilith's advice, he stood strong in the face of utter defeat. Asmodeus cast him down, and made his consort ruler in his place. Lilith had claimed her own, ruling her hell directly rather than in Beelzebub's name.
Moloch was sent away in disgrace, but Lilith was still unsatisfied. She knew Asmodeus was watching her progress and feared that he had allowed her to retain the sixth layer of Baator only because she was being groomed to be his bride. Knowing well what had happened to Bensozia, Asmodeus' previous choice, she maneuvered to prevent this from happening.
Secretly, she corrupted certain officials in Malsheem and managed to smuggle out a small quantity of the essence of Asmodeus and Benzozia to the yugoloths, with Glasya the result. She hoped that a daughter would satisfy whatever schemes Asmodus had in mind.
Today, she spends most of her time in magical research and orchestrating her many cults on the Prime, but she still dreams of the kiss of the desert wind and the freedom of the mortal world. She feels the only way she can be truly free of Hell and Asmodeus is to attain fully divine status. With contacts among the night hags, she diverts a small quantity of the larvae that go to fuel the Dark Lord's Bringing to her own laboratories, hoping to divine how they might be used to weaken Baator's laws and customs against its lords granting spells. She gathers dead gods' hearts from the Astral Plane in defiance of their guardian and uses them to power her copper factories. She makes pacts with the Olympian gods of the underworld. She has trysts with Babylonian gods of night. She has built such sorcerous fortresses as Dwimmerstrath and the Palace of Insight. She crafts and trains simulacra of herself on planes of freedom such as the Abyss and Ysgard, hoping to make gods of them and assume their places.
Asmodeus knows about her involvement in Glasya's creation, and as a result considers Lilith to be the princess' honorary mother. He knows of her other schemes, too. He still desires her for his bride, but waits for her to come to him. It will happen, he knows.
The Lilim: includes Zelinda the Fair, wife of Cain, and Lel, Marquise of the Night.
Lilith, or Ardat Lilith is also the name of a powerful figure in the Abyss said to be older than the tanar'ri race and the ultimate mother of all succubi, incubi, lamiae, harpies, sirines, and vampires, though these races now serve many different entities or none at all. She is not the same as the Abyssal simulacrum created by the Hag Countess of Malbolge, though the two may soon come to conflict.
Bow to me!
Rip Van Wormer
Malbolge is stench and stone. Once, it was ruled by a fallen deva called Lucifuge along with his consort Batna, but they were devoured by the Deepest.The stones bleed lava, smoke, poison gas, acid, darkness and shadow. Malbolge is the death of children, homeland of the lilim. Its copper fortresses, Canaanite in style, are ruled by cornugons or asakkus or occasionally night hags or hellfire wyrms. During the reign of Moloch the stones of Malbolge were burning hot, but now they are as cold as Lilith's breath. The former fortress of Gargoth is here, along with the palaces of Moloch's spirit kings. Visitors of all sorts are welcome, for fear of the Hag visiting in disguise. Deep beneath the stone are ancient tunnels populated by the last of the Elder Baatorians.
In deep ravines cornugons watch over clusters of petitioners, forced to research spells and mortal flaws for Lilith the Queen and the Dark Eight. In the stony wilderness wander ghargatulas, spinders, hellcats, cranium rats, stench kine, nightmare herd, and carrion crows.
Malbolge is a noisy place, populated by tormented lemures, malebranche, cornugons, keres, erinyes, night hags, annises, green hags, medusas, nightmares, succubae, lamias, banshees, jahi, julajimus, crimson deaths, marrashi, osyluths, vampires, mephits, and occasional spinagons, striga, fiendish stirges, oubliette, distenders, nupperibos, soul shells, amnizu, achaierai, barghests, yugoloths, hellcats, hell hounds, hordlings, imps, rakshasas, stench kine, cranium rats, wastrels, sympathetics, Faceless, soulsniffers, pain mistresses, vierhaanders, advespas and barbazu. The Teeth of the Night. Fallen terraphil. Fallen seraphyl. Bethage, Bileth, Herobaal, Tartach, Euryale, Zelinda the Fair.
Site: Maggot Thyg (elder Baatorians)
Site: winter palace (annises)
The chill winds of eternal winter whip around the copper fortress of Nifl, an annis hag of surpassing power. She and her two sisters live alone with the frozen corpses of the mortals and devils they’ve taken as their occasional lovers.
Site: tangled wood (greenhags)
Twisted ancient oaks and ash somehow survive the torturous fumes, falling stones, and vampiric wastrel birds of the layer, providing some shelter for the trio of greenhags whose copper-clad cottage lies within. The hags and wood are one; as long as the hags survive the wood will as well, and (some say) vice versa. The wood is growing, providing some corrupt life to the desolate rocky wilderness, transforming the environment into something very unlike what it was in Moloch’s time.
Site: embrace of stone (medusas, gorgons)
Stone statues, many of them smashed by hails of fallen stones, surround this copper fortress ruled by powerful medusas and their gorgon steeds. Sometimes the medusas will go on hunts, riding forth on their gorgons to transform all, devil or otherwise, that they meet. Cockatrices pick at their waste.
Site: nursery (asakkus, julajimuses, vierhaanders, soul shells, vampires, children, soulsniffers, hellhounds)
The Nursery is where children kidnapped by the asakkus and their julajimus pets are taken. Some of them are turned into vampires while others are merely imprisoned and tortured, or are raised to become fathers to half-devils.
Site: plague house (night hag, marrashi, rakshasas)
Site: house of wailing (banshees, soul shells, nupperibos, lemures, pain mistresses, hamatulas, distenders, kocrachons)
Euryale, Lilith’s Mistress of Discipline, sometimes visits the House of Wailing, the copper fortress where the howls of banshees accompany the ministrations of torturer devils.
Site: house of blood (vampires, crimson deaths, distenders, fiendish stirges, pain mistresses, kocrachons)
Site: bowge of sorcery (soul shells, oubliettes, cornugons, hamatulas, kocrachons, annises)
Site: Pleasure court (vampires, succubae, vampires, soul shells, night hags, annises, greenhags, striga, pain mistresses, rakshasas, sympathetics, herlekin, oubliettes, vierhaanders, advespas, barbazu, Lel, fallen terraphyls, fallen seraphyl, jahi, erinyes, hordlings, keres, barghests, asakkus, medusas, yugoloths, imps, mephits, lamias, mortals and various demigods).
In all the planes there are few places as decadent and perverse as the Pleasure Court of Lilith. When the Hag-Countess is not at residence, the court is run by Zelinda the Fair, a vampire queen of great age and beauty. Beings come from all across the multiverse to find ecstasy and, normally, death, at the hands of Lilith, Zelinda, and the other women of the court.
Site: Freedom court (fallen seraphyl, bariaurs, barzu, lamias, erinyes, hags, imps, mephits, vierhaanders, sympathetics)
Anima is the name currently used by a fallen celestial, one of a class of incorporeal personifications of freedom called seraphyl. Having become dementedly convinced that the truest freedom is the iron law of the Hag Queen, she loyally rules over the copper fortress known as the Freedom Court, her decrees obeyed by the herds of bariaurs and lamias she has tempted into her service.
Site: Palace of the dead kings (soul shells, imps, oubliettes, erinyes)
The dry, long-dead shades of kings sworn to the service of the former lord Moloch dwell in palaces that are now dusty and almost ignored by the current regime. Some erinyes have taken to tormenting the kings with false promises and the occasional whiplash or hot brand, but this is only a passing amusement for them; turnover is high. Still, ancient secrets and magics are said to be found in the forgotten libraries of the palaces and in the minds of royal sages who accompanied their lieges into the afterlife.