Malphas is the Dark Raven of Avernus. With Amduscias and Goap, he helps Bel orchestrate the Blood War from Baator's first layer.
As you might guess, he appears as a vast raven with eyes and beak the color of blood. His wingspan is over 60'.
Malphas delights in playing the various factions of Baator's armies against one another for his own gain.
Malphas is a brutal baatezu, with a dark fixiation that he can never harm (Amduscias, though he doesn't know it). He is a Punisher, dedicated to tracking and destroying foes, and forcing them against one another.
Goap (Gaap or Taap) is a pit fiend, a Calabim. With three other pit fiends, he rules one of the four quadrants of Avernus. He is very, very entropic, as much as any member of the Doomguard, a faction he has not sought any ties with as yet.
The other rulers of the quadrants: Amaymon: prince of the North. Gerson, prince of the East. Zymymar, prince of the South.
Amduscias is a duke of corruption appearing as a twisted unicorn, a wolf, or a horned man. He is a terrible rival of Malphas. Amduscias is the duke of infernal music -- he sees everything as part of a song. The twisted notes of his soul are expressed in his armies and plans. He is constantly singing, howling, and playing, surrounded by spinagon musicians. He tracks others through music in order to destroy them. Amduscias loves humans.
Amduscias is affiliated with the Harmonium, and wants to corrupt it towards his own ends, seeing their plans of universal harmony as similar to his own goal of infernal harmony, or close enough that a few twists can match it.