
Constable of Baator

Aliases: Asmodeus, Ashmedai

AoC: Law, Order, Diplomacy, Politics

Superior: The Dark Lord of Nessus

Allies: Phongor, Alastor

Subordinates: Corin, the ashmede, the osyluths

Rivals: Adramelech, Leviathan

Appearance: Martinet's true form is thought to be that of a tall, gangly, skeletal creature with a Roman nose and a crown of horns around the void of the back of his head. He usually appears as a ruby-eyed, handsome human dressed in black leather robes, or as an unremarkable amnizu.

Background: Martinet is the Constable of Hell, Prince of the Game. In order to increase the mystery surrounding the Dark Lord, Martinet is also known as Ashmedai or Asmodeus, and as the chief instrument of his power he is in fact confused with his master by the more lowly baatezu and more gullible mortal scholars. His servants, including many soulsniffers, erinyes, kytons, hellhounds, and hamatulas, are positioned in every ring of the Hells, often disguised as ordinary fiends of all sorts until they make an arrest. He commands the ashmede, the avenging hounds of the Dark Lord, and is the authority behind the osyluths. Corin, Spymaster for the Dark Eight, also reports to Martinet on a regular basis. Martinet has the authority to countermand any of the decisions of the Dark Eight in the name of Baator's security, something that frustrates Adramelech, who oversees the Dark Eight in most other situations, to no end. Leviathan fears him, as he is unable to distinguish him from the amnizu who he hopes to use to conquer the other layers.

Baator's criminal justice system has three arms, like an infernal parody of Sigil. The minions of Martinet make arrests. Phongor is Hell's Inquisitor, the chief justice of Baator in charge of extracting information from those Martinet has arrested and left alive. Alastor the Grim is the Executioner of Baator, and in charge of administering punishment to those Phongor has found guilty.

Plots: Martinet is concerned about Leviathan's ambition against his neighboring layers. In the form of an amnizu, he keeps the Writhing One paranoid about what information he leaks to his inferiors, and in the form of Leviathan's servant Herodias he keeps track of secrets the amnizu don't know. As Herodias, he is negotiating an alliance with Belial to defend a planar path between Stygia and Phlegethos that takes the form of a fertile valley on the Material Plane.

Secrets: As Herodias, Martinet is Phongor's spy against Belial. If Phongor orders him to plant evidence incriminating the lord, Martinet will see that an objective party (yugoloths or mortals, whichever is convenient) finds out about it.

Roleplaying Notes: Martinet's life is the game of politics in Baator; his influence has stopped several wars from breaking out among the lords, and his diplomacy has ended even more conflicts. Martinet is always impeccably calm and reasonable, never raising his voice or showing any concern regardless of the situation.