The Dark Eight

Pearza’s Goals:

1. To humiliate and slay Baalphegor, consort of Mephistopheles, Lord of the Eighth.
2. To develop new strategies, forms, and technologies of use to the baatezu and the Blood War.
3. To outwit Furcas, Minister of Mortal Relations.
4. To humiliate and slay Baalzephon, Minister of Supply.

is the Minister of Research.

The first Pearza is said to have been torn apart by maelephants, shortly after their creation. This is strange, since no maelephant has been known to attack a baatezu since.

The second Pearza was shamed after he created the blood fiends, originally an attempt to create a disease that would wipe out the tanar'ri. When they were instead used as weapons against the baatezu in the Blood War, Pearza was executed by the other seven members of the Dark Eight.

The third Pearza was killed in an explosion in her workshop in Nessus, cause unknown. The ruins still smoke.

The fourth Pearza lives on, its mind held within a crystalline golem's body. For a time it served as an advisor to the Deepest Lord, but was eventually given to Fierana as a gift, or warning. It has not moved from its place among the statues of Abriyomoch in thousands of years, but occasionally it utters enigmatic prophesies. At some point, it lost its left arm.

The fifth Pearza, who had won fame as creator of a sweets factory in Minauros, was lost to the ice of Cania, led astray by the Lady Baalphegor. That Pearza's replacement was the shy but brilliant assistant to her predecessor, thought by Baalphegor to be more pliable, especially indebted as she was. This proved to be true. Pearza is completely in awe of the violent, ruthless Baalphegor. Pearza is often distracted from her projects by Baalphegor's schemes, which are always entirely separate from those of her consort Mephistopheles. As a result, Pearza feels like an under appreciated middle manager much of the time, and this sense of frustration can be used to manipulate her into creating things without the approval of Adramalech and Nessus' bureaucracy. The current Pearza has never been a particularly brave pit fiend, but she's as passive-aggressive as Judas Iscariot. The campaign of slander aimed at her despised patron through the mephits that the Lady of Cania too often ignores is intended to, if not actually unseat her, at least humiliate her in a way that can't be traced to the Ministry of Research.

Pearza oversees The Pits and the realms of Technocraft in Phlegethos and Iron Orchid in Cania, as well as her fortress in Nessus, a maze of gears and cogs that looks like something out of Mechanus, but somehow carnivorous. From within, it's a Luddite's nightmare that seems to encompass the entire layer, although from the outside it seems to exist on a single craggy mountain peak overlooking a tangled, star-shaped canyon. Her ministry experiments with new baatezu castes, weapons, magic, and grafts. In Dis, kocrachons in her employ perform excruciating tests on living subjects, while on the Material Plane erinyes of Pearza tinker with mortal civilizations.

Pearza is extremely dependent on Baalzephon, the Minister of Supply. Baalzephon controls much of the budget of the Ministry of Research, and insists on excruciatingly detailed progress reports, goal statements, and itemized receipts, which she has her underlings read.

Perhaps it is Furcas who likes Pearza's ministry the least. The Ministry of Mortal Relations has been perfecting means of corruption for eons, and Furcas dislikes what he sees as interference from the Ministry of Research. Even such a thing as basic as new spells intended to be offered to the mortal sorcerers under Furcas' thrall is likely to refused on principle. "Pearza's people have no focus," Furcas has been heard to gripe, even though Pearza understands the division of tasks perfectly well. What Pearza sees as helpful cross-pollination is seen by Furcas as cross-pollution.

Pearza often manifests as a small, bespeckled, blonde-haired human woman.