
Grand Inquisitor of Baator

Aliases: none

AoC: Law, Order, the Inquisition, torture

Superior: The Dark Lord of Nessus

Allies: Martinet, Alastor

Subordinates: Corin, the kocrachons

Rivals: Belial

Appearance: Phongor sits on his throne in the Hall of Justice in Malsheem surrounded by osyluth baliffs and erinyes lawyers, and has never been known to leave it. He resembles a gigantic, 30 foot tall human with cold, reptilian eyes. His flesh is pure white.

Background: Baator's criminal justice system has three arms, like an infernal parody of Sigil. The minions of Martinet make arrests. Phongor is Hell's Inquisitor, the chief justice of Baator in charge of extracting information from those Martinet has arrested and left alive. Alastor the Grim is the Executioner of Baator, in charge of administering punishment to those Phongor has found guilty.

The Grand Inquisitor is the highest chief of the kocrachons as a specific caste. He is answerable for everything they do, and can command any of them at will.

Centuries ago, Phongor had the pleasure of passing sentence on the rebellious Lords of the Nine during the last Great Upheaval. He wants nothing more than to taste that kind of power again.

Plots: Phongor believes that Great Belial of Phlegethos is guilty of terrible subversion against the Dark Lord of Nessus, even more so than the other Lords of the Nine. It's probable that he merely dislikes the Lord of Pleasure and Pain's slippery, defiant attitude, but his need to rid the Hells of the Unbowed One aches inside him like a sword through his heart. He will do anything to prove Belial's guilt, even fabricate evidence for Martinet to find.

Secrets: Although he openly reports to Martinet, Corin of the Dark Eight secretly passes on information to Phongor. The Inquisitor uses this information to try and undermine his supposed ally's authority.

Roleplaying Notes: Phongor speaks in a low, booming voice, like thunder in a leaden tomb. Sometimes he will fly into screaming rages in the middle of a trial, and demand that his spinagon slaves carry the object of his fury to his throne for immediate torment.

Source: Guide to Hell, Legions of Hell, In Nomine rulebook, Dragon #76