Former Lord of the Fifth Hell
The Beast
Aliases: Geryon, Geryoneus, Geryones, 666, Behemoth, Baphomet
AoC: Crowds, mobs, herds, war, dictators, bullies, polititians, herders, and unthinking followers (especially minotaurs), fraud, gluttony, despair
Superior: the Dark Lord
Allies: Lilith
Subordinates: Amon, Cozbinaer, Gurdansk, Squinnamorg, Ephillu, Christanon, Bleg, Thlaac-mol, Minga, Ygganttu, Wiinsor
Rivals: Leviathan
A giant crocodillian land monster, an enormous elephant-headed demon, devil of despair, the Infernal Watchman, the great Beast called Geryon swims through the icy waters and burrows through the ice of Stygia, a horrid compound of human, bestial, and reptile with a sting. Some say he grew from the very substance of Baator, spontaneously generated from a loophole, and drove away Leviathan, the previous Lord of the Fifth, taking his throne by force.
Geryon is a throwback to the ancient Baatorians, a baatezu technically but like the Elders in his desire to contain all the multiverse within his body. Unlike them, he has little ambition, content to increase his substance and perform his duty without seeking to rise above himself. He was an enforcer for Asmodeus, and it was given to him to imprison Leviathan. He was surprised when he was rewarded for his loyalty with his target's job. On land and ice, the Beast manifests himself as a savage warrior with three bodies, as a catlike creature with seven heads and ten horns, a massive bull, a fat man with an elephant's head, or as a tall horned humanoid. The latter causes some to confuse him with the Abyssal ruler Baphomet, especially given that Geryon's trademark minotaur servants, who he exercises absolute power over using his enchanted horn.
The lawful-evil minotaurs who worship him on the mortal plane have a culture and tradition completely alien to Baphomet's minions, a fact that frustrates the Demon Prince of Mazes to no end. Minotaurs roam the bergs of Stygia tending vast herds of stench kine for their master. Between their cannibalistic frenzies and simpering supplications, there is little room in a minotaur's life for human or even giantish culture; nevertheless, some culture is retained. There are reports of elaborate murals covering the walls of minotaur lairs, of droning songs the servants of Geryon never taught them, of tattoos and pottery and body paint and even jewelry: torcs and arm-rings and nose-rings. These creatures, who are so much like beasts in almost every way, pour a surprising amount of humanity into their art and crafts. Unlike the servants created by Baphomet, Geryon's minotaurs include both male and female forms.
Geryon is the Hunter of Hell, the Horned King of the Fifth Circle. Or, at least, he was; he was recently ousted from office by Asmodeus himself in favor of his long-time rival, the aquatic monster Levistus or Leviathan. Geryon still lives, however, spending much of his time in the icy Citadel Coldsteel, and like a dog kicked one too many times plots revenge against his master.
This may have been Asmodeus' plan all along. After long years of unthinking obedience, Geryon is finally learning the true ruthlessness required in a lord of Hell.
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