; Taken from the site http://www.nondot.org/sabre/os/files/Booting/win95.asm
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; Description:  Heroic attempt to disassemble the Windows 95 Boot Sector.
; Date:         16. Aug. 1998
; Author:       Mr. X
; Email:        unknown
; Comment:      This boot code is messy.
; Status:       PART I, II and III are now pretty much done.
; Important:    "SHLD EDX,EAX,16" This is a Microsoft Patent.
;               Also take a look at the "list near EOF"
; This file will assemble into a fully functional (I hope) Win95B boot code.
;  tasm win95 /m
;  tlink win95,win95.bin /t
; Ask someone for the proper dropper code...
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; AFTER DISASSEMBLY I have this impression:
;  This is what Bill Gates said... when Win95 was going to be released:
;  "Gates: OK, then we're ready to press the CD's and start shipping out 
;   this new load of shit, but of course nobody will notice... harr harr.
;   Employee: Hey, Mr. Gates what about the Boot Sector?? We haven't 
;   written the FAT32 support routines there yet...
;   Gates: Ah, that's right... anybody?? We have just 45 minutes...
;   Employee #2: Well, I think I can hack some shit together...
;   Gates: Fine, go for it... remember you have only 44 minutes...
;   Employee #2: I think I can do it.
;   Gates: Fine, then I'll just go home... We've made it!!"
; There is some really strange code in this boot record....
; I bet Bill Gates hired some crazy mother fucker to write this shit.
; It seems like he had really tried to make the code fit within one sector.
; But when it didn't hid just decided to use three instead...
; This is a typical microsoft solution, they mix stupid 8086 code... with
; cheap solutions and then suddenly they use 386 code...
; And then there is the new FAT32 data structures where they have moved
; the volume label, FileSystem ID and serial number down to make room for
; some extended FAT32 variables... it sucks. Why not rearange the whole
; structure... An OS would not try to interpret the shit anyway, because
; the Partitioni Table SYSID has changed with FAT32.
; As I said... crazy mother fucker...
; Well, well... here's some of the stuff... with a mix of mine and sourcer's
; comments...
; Another thing about TASM, which I use, of course I didn't buy it... I'm
; have a shareware version ;) on a 30 year trial period.
; Back to what I was about to say again... When I use the brXXXX variables
; in indexing with BP, TASM generates 16-bit offset in operands even when
; they are less than 128... the Win95 code uses byte offsets (I'm not sure
; if I'm expressing myself clear here). When I changed the code from:
; mov AX,[bp+brHPC] to mov AX,[bp+128], TASM did use the byte offset form...
; This made my code a little less readable... but the comments should give
; you an idea of what data is being accessed.
; Basically this boot sector code is 32 bit extension for a 16 bit patch to
; an 8 bit boot sector originally coded for a 4 bit microprocessor, written
; by a 2 bit company, that can't stand 1 bit of competition.


CODE            SEGMENT USE16



; Just so I've said it - ASM opcodes are only readable when capitalized,
; but I forgot to set the option in sourcer... so I wrote a small TP program
; that capitalized everything but what's after the semicolon...

Win95b          PROC    FAR

                JMP     SkipData        ; 0000h

brINT13Flag     DB      90H             ; 0002h - 0EH for INT13 AH=42 READ
brOEM           DB      'MSWIN4.1'      ; 0003h - OEM ID - Windows 95B
brBPS           DW      512             ; 000Bh - Bytes per sector
brSPC           DB      8               ; 000Dh - Sector per cluster
brResCount      DW      32              ; 000Eh - Reserved sectors
brFATs          DB      2               ; 0010h - FAT copies
brRootEntries   DW      0               ; 0011h - Root directory entries
brSectorCount   DW      0               ; 0013h - Sectors in volume, < 32MB
brMedia         DB      0F8H            ; 0015h - Media descriptor
brSPF           DW      0               ; 0016h - Sectors per FAT
brSPH           DW      63              ; 0018h - Sectors per head/track
brHPC           DW      128             ; 001Ah - Heads per cylinder
brHidden        DD      63              ; 001Ch - Hidden sectors
brSectors       DD      6305985         ; 0020h - Total number of sectors
brSPF32         DD      6153            ; 0024h - Sector per FAT (FAT32)
brFlags         DW      0               ; 0028h - Flags (FAT32)
brVersion       DW      0               ; 002Ah - FS Version (FAT32)
brRootCluster   DD      2               ; 002Ch - Root start cluster (FAT32)
brFSInfoSector  DW      1               ; 0030h - FS Info Sector (FAT32)
brBackupBoot    DW      6               ; 0032h - Backup Boot Record
brReserved      DB      6 DUP (0)       ; 0038h - Reserved
brShitter       DB      6 DUP (0)       ; 003Bh - Unused filler??
brDrive         DB      80H             ; 0040h - BIOS drive number
brHeadTemp      DB      00H             ; 0041h - Head/temp number????
brSignature     DB      29H             ; 0042h - Extended Boot Record sig.
brSerialNum     DD      404418EAH       ; 0043h - Volume serial number
brLabel         DB      'HARDDISK   '   ; 0047h - Volume label
brFSID          DB      'FAT32   '      ; 0052h - File System ID

                XOR     CX,CX
                MOV     SS,CX                   ; SS=CX=0

        ; Set up stack 8 bytes below us, do you know why???
        ; Yes, it's because somewhere in this code, the shitter who
        ; wrote this... save the start of data area DWORD at 7C00H - 4 and
        ; the value -1 at 7C00H - 8... cool?

                MOV     SP,7C00H - 8            
                MOV     ES,CX                   ; ES=CX=0
                MOV     BP,78H                  

        ; Point DS:SI to INT 1E - DISKETTE PARAMS structure...

                LDS     SI,DWORD PTR SS:[BP]


                MOV     DI,522H

                MOV     SS:[BP],DI                 ; setup our INT 1E
                MOV     SS:[BP+2],CX

        ; copy 11 bytes from old diskette parameter table into
        ; es:522h, that is 0000:0522 or 0050:0022 - into the PrtScr/DOS area.
        ; I assume that 0001-0021 is used for something else 0050:0000 I know
        ; is the PrtScr flag byte.

                MOV     CL,11
                REP     MOVSB
                MOV     DS,CX                   ; DS=CX=0

                MOV     BP,7C00H                ; point BP to start of us

                MOV     BYTE PTR [DI-2],0FH     ; modify head settle time

                MOV     AX,SS:[BP+18H]

                MOV     [DI-7],AL               ; modify sectors per track

        ; compare drive number with 0...
        ; if greater than or equal... go to MBRReadError
        ; I guess that lower than zero... must be -1 .. -128 (80H..FFH)
        ; Which would mean Harddisk boot...

                CMP     SS:[BP+40H],CL          ; Boot from diskette?
                JGE     MBRReadError

                MOV     AX,CX                   ; AX=CX=0
                CWD                             ; DX=AX[15]-> (ZerO)

                MOV     BX,0700H                ; Use 0000:0700 for sector
                                                ; read buffer

                CALL    ReadSector              ; load Master Boot Record
                JC      MBRReadError            ; error?

                SUB     BX,58                   ; BX = 08C6h (700h - 3Ah)
                                                ; point to "start" field
                MOV     EAX,DS:[7C1CH]          ; load hidden sectors
                CMP     EAX,[BX]                ; Is this our entry??

                MOV     DL,[BX-4]               ; Put System ID in DL

                JNZ     NotOurs                 ; Jump if not our entry

        ; If system ID or "partition type", is 0Ch or 0Eh, ReadSector
        ; will use INT13/42H...

                OR      DL,2                    ; set bit 1, to allow for
                                                ; types 0Ch or 0Eh to be
                                                ; thought of as both 0Eh.

                MOV     SS:[BP+2],DL            ; set brINT13Flag
                ADD     BL,16                   ; skip to next entry...
                JNB     CheckMBR                ; More entries?
                MOV     DI,2

        ; FAT32 - Is sector per FAT zero?

                CMP     WORD PTR SS:[BP+16H],0
                JNE     ShowErrMsg1

        ; Put number of hidden sectors in DX:AX

                MOV     AX,WORD PTR SS:[BP+1CH]
                MOV     DX,WORD PTR SS:[BP+1EH]

                MOV     CX,3    ; Boot Record is 3 sectors...

        ; Start loading reminder of Boot Record for FAT32
                DEC     CX
                INC     AX                      ; next Boot Record sector

                JNZ     Skipper                 ; AX wrap-around?
                INC     DX                      ; Yes, inc DX too
                MOV     BX,7E00H                ; into 0000:7E00

                CALL    ReadSectorX             ; Read Sector
                JNC     ReadOK                  ; no error?

                MOV     AL,0F8H                 ; what's this????

                JZ      NoMore                  ; Jump if no more sectors

                MOV     AX,SS:[BP+32H]          ; get backup boot sector
                XOR     DX,DX                   

                MOV     CX,3                    
                CMP     CX,AX                   ; compare backup BS num
                JA      ShowErrMsg1             ; with 3 (or vice versa)

                                                ; if 3 is higher than
                                                ; backup sector number,
                                                ; Bill's oooutta here...

                MOV     SI,SS:[BP+0EH]          ; SI = # of reserved sectors
                CMP     CX,SI
                JAE     ShowErrMsg1             ; same thing here... if 3 is
                                                ; higher then the number of
                                                ; reserved sectors... Bill's
                                                ; gone

                SUB     SI,CX                   ; get number reserved sectors
                                                ; excluding the three boot
                                                ; sectors...

        ; add number of hidden sectors to DX:AX

                ADD     AX,WORD PTR SS:[BP+1CH]
                ADC     DX,WORD PTR SS:[BP+1EH]

                JMP     LoadIt
                JNC     ShowErrMsg1             ; Jump if carry=0
                JMP     ShowErrMsg2
                CMP     WORD PTR SS:[BP+2AH],0
                JA      ShowErrMsg1             ; Jump if not version 0.0?

                JMP     GOFAT32
                MOV     SI,OFFSET ErrMsg1 + 7C00H
                LODSB                           ; get msg Skip length

                ADD     SI,AX                   ; Skip control data
                LODSB                           ; get chacacter

                JZ      LastChar                ; End of string?

                CMP     AL,-1
                JE      SkipChar                ; End of first part?

                MOV     AH,0EH                  ; TTY write character
                MOV     BX,7
                INT     10H

                JMP     NextChar                ; repeat write...
                MOV     SI,OFFSET ErrMsg4 + 7C00H       ; point to tail message
                JMP     PrintMessage
                MOV     SI,OFFSET ErrMsg2 + 7C00H
                JMP     PrintMessage
                CBW                     ; Ah, clever... save one byte, take
                                        ; advantage of the fact that LODSB
                INT     16H             ; returns the null-terminator.

                POP     SI              ; restore the stack... why???
                POP     DS              ; the stack is killed at startup...
                POP     DWORD PTR [SI]  

                INT     19H             ; BIOS bootstrap loader...

Win95b          ENDP

;                              READ SECTOR

ReadSector      PROC    NEAR

                INC     CX                      ; increase SECTOR COUNT

                PUSH    DX
                PUSH    AX
                PUSH    BX
		PUSH	1
		PUSH	10H

                MOV     SI,SP                   ; save stack pointer
                                                ; for later use by LEA

                PUSHA                           ; Save "all" registers

                CMP     BYTE PTR SS:[BP+2],0EH     ; Use INT13 extensions?
                JNE     rsOldINT13

                MOV     AH,42H                  ; Do ext INT13 READ
                JMP     RSDiskIO
                XCHG    CX,AX                   ; swap CX and AX
                XCHG    DX,AX                   ; swap DX and AX
                XOR     DX,DX                   ; clear DX

                DIV     WORD PTR SS:[BP+18H]    ; div LBA_HI by sectors/track

                XCHG    CX,AX                   ; save result in CX and put
                                                ; the LBA_LO in AX

                DIV     WORD PTR SS:[BP+18H]    ; divide reminder and LBA_LO
                                                ; by sectors/track too

                INC     DX                      ; make sector 1-based

                XCHG    CX,DX                   ; save it in CX and get the
                                                ; result of the 1st division
                                                ; in DX

                DIV     WORD PTR SS:[BP+1AH]    ; divide this new result by
                                                ; heads per cylinder

                MOV     DH,DL                   ; save Head of CHS in DH
                                                ; head was in the reminder
                                                ; after the division above

                MOV     CH,AL                   ; save LO cylinder in CH
                                                ; cylinder was in the result
                                                ; after the division above

                ROR     AH,2                    ; rotate AH to make bits 8-9
                                                ; of cylinder appear as bits
                                                ; 6-7 in AH and...
                OR      CL,AH                   ; or it with the sector num

                MOV     AX,201H                 ; setup for READ - 1 sector
                MOV     DL,SS:[BP+40H]          ; load drive number
                INT     13H                     ; call INT13

                POPA                            ; Restore "all" registers

        ; the entry code pushed 12h bytes on the stack...
        ; the last word pushed was 0001h, restore SP to point to it...

		LEA	SP,[SI+10H]		; Load effective addr

        ; Now, SI should contain 0001h


        ; was there an error from INT13?

                JC      RSDone

                INC     AX                      ; increment LBA sector num
                JNZ     rsSkip                  ; wrap-around?

                INC     DX                      ; yes raise high word too
                ADD     BX,SS:[BP+0BH]          ; increment by sector size

                DEC     CX                      ; decrement SECTOR COUNT
                JNZ     rsReadMore              ; Jump if more to read

ReadSector      ENDP


ErrMsg1         DB      03H     ; Skip counter for message1
ErrMsg2         DB      18H     ; Skip counter for message2
ErrMsg3         DB      01H     ; Skip counter for message3
ErrMsg4         DB      27H     ; Skip counter for message4

                DB      13,10,'Ugyldig systemdisk ',-1
                DB      13,10,'Disk I/U-feil ',-1
                DB      13,10,'Sett inn en annen disk, og trykk en tast',13,10,0


                DB      0,0                     ; Padding?

        ; ROOT file names to search for...?

IO_SYS          DB      'IO      SYS'
MSDOS_SYS       DB      'MSDOS   SYS'

                DB      7EH,1,0                 ; What is this?

WINBOOT_SYS     DB      'WINBOOT SYS'           ; When is this used?

                DB      0,0                     ; Padding?
                DW      0AA55H                  ; 1st Boot Signature

                DB      'RRaA'                  ; FAT32 Extension Signature

		DB	480 DUP (0)

; FSINFO information...

                DB      'rrAa'                  ; FAT32 FSINFO Signature

brFreeClusters  DD      56990           ; I have 233431040 bytes free!
brNextFree      DD      466175          ; My next free cluster!
                DD      3 DUP (0)       ; Reserved, acroding to FAT32API.HLP

                DW      ?               ; word padding

                DW      0AA55H                  ; 2nd Boot Signature
; BOOT RECORD - PART III - FAT32 specific code, I think? only Bill knows?

        ; calculate total size of FAT area

                MOVZX   EAX,BYTE PTR SS:[BP+10H]        ; number of FATs
                MOV     ECX,SS:[BP+24H]                 ; sectors per FAT
                MUL     ECX                             ; mul'em

        ; add hidden sectors

                ADD     EAX,SS:[BP+1CH]

        ; add reserved sectors

                MOVZX   EDX,WORD PTR SS:[BP+0EH]
                ADD     EAX,EDX

                XOR     CX,CX           ; clear CX for some reason...
                                        ; By looking down the code, I can't
                                        ; seem to find out why CX is cleared
                                        ; It's set to 1 down there...
                                        ; before it's ever used...

        ; EAX will now point to the start of the data area (cluster 2)
        ; save start of data area below us at 0000:7BFC, or there around...

                MOV     SS:[BP-4],EAX

        ; Save another value to... This one is checked by GetFAT32Sector

                MOV     DWORD PTR SS:[BP-8],0FFFFFFFFH

        ; Oh... at Microsoft they take no chances... disable INTs again!
        ; This is what I call proper software writing! Hail M$


        ; load Root Start Cluster in EAX

                MOV     EAX,SS:[BP+2CH]

        ; Is it cluster 2?

                CMP     EAX,2
                JB      ShowErrMsg1             ; error if less than 2

        ; Is it an EOF marker or something above?

                CMP     EAX,0FFFFFF8H
                JAE     ShowErrMsg1             ; error if it is

        ; Put upper 16-bits of cluster number into DX??

                SHLD    EDX,EAX,16

                STI                             ; Puh. Safe again.
                PUSH    DX
                PUSH    AX

                CLI                             ; Eh?

        ; clear upper 16-bits of cluster number, and of course move up the
        ; lower bits...

                SHL     EAX,16

        ; shift lower 16-bits of cluster number back down, and at the same
        ; time shift in the high 16-bits in top of EAX?

                SHRD    EAX,EDX,16

        ; make cluster number 0-based... "the way it's supposed to be"

                SUB     EAX,2

        ; put Sectors Per Cluster in EBX

                MOVZX   EBX,BYTE PTR SS:[BP+0DH]

        ; save it in SI too! Yippi

                MOV     SI,BX

        ; calculate relative sector of first part of root... right?

                MUL     EBX

        ; add the "start of data area" value we saved below us!

                ADD     EAX,SS:[BP-4]

        ; Maybe now, some shitter is trying to make DX:AX what EAX is??
        ; Shift upper 16-bits of EAX into DX... and AX is lower bits...

                SHLD    EDX,EAX,10H

                STI				; Enable interrupts

        ; Use 0070:0000 as a directory buffer...
                MOV     BX,0700H
                MOV     DI,BX

        ; read 1 sector

                MOV     CX,1

                CALL    ReadSectorX             ; this shit should be pretty
                JC      ShowErrMsg2             ; obvious...
                CMP     [DI],CH                 ; is the first entry of the
                JE      EndOfRoot               ; root empty???

                MOV     CL,11                   ; the stupid CP/M filenames
                                                ; are 11 bytes...
                PUSH	SI

                MOV     SI,OFFSET IO_SYS + 7C00H

                REPE    CMPSB                   ; Is it IO.SYS?

                POP	SI

                JZ      FoundOS         ; Yeah...

                ADD     DI,CX           ; add what's left after CMPSB
                ADD     DI,15H          ; and then 21 more...

        ; Yeah, yeah, anyway... point to the next dir entry...
        ; and check if it is above the last entry... INT13 increments
        ; BX with 512 on the sector read, so it points past the sector.

                CMP     DI,BX
                JB      CheckEntry                  ; Jump if below

        ; are there any more sectors in this cluster???

                JNZ     GetRootSector           ; yeap, read more

                POP     AX              ; restore cluster number
                POP     DX

        ; Get FAT value... "GetFAT32Value" will compare the value with
        ; -8, and the JB below continues if below... that is, non-EOF/BAD
        ; the "previous cluster" value is taken from DX:AX (as restored
        ; above with POP).

                CALL    GetFAT32Value
                JB      GetRootCluster

        ; if not end of root... go to GetRootCluster..

EndOfRoot:                                      ; EOF/BAD cluster...
                ADD     SP,4                    ; clean up stack...
                JMP     ShowErrMsg1             ; and print error message
                ADD     SP,4                    ; clean up...

        ; Now... DI should point just above the IO.SYS name...

        ; SI would be set to DirEntry[14H] - starting cluster (HI)
        ; DI would be set to DirEntry[1AH] - starting cluster (LO)

                MOV     SI,[DI+09H]

        ; copy FAT32 starting cluster upper 16-bits to AX

                MOV     AX,SI

		CLI				; Disable interrupts

        ; shift cluster high into upper half of EAX and store lower half
        ; from DI into AX

                SHL     EAX,10H
                MOV     AX,DI

        ; cluster out of range??

                CMP     EAX,2                   ; clusters start with 2
                JB      InvalidCluster

                CMP     EAX,0FFFFFF8H           ; cluster 0FFFFFF8 is EOF
                JAE     InvalidCluster

                DEC     EAX                     ; make it 0-based...
                DEC     EAX

        ; Multiply cluster number with "sectors per cluster"

                MOVZX   ECX,BYTE PTR SS:[BP+0DH]
                MUL     ECX

        ; Add the "start of data area" value that was saved back there...

                ADD     EAX,SS:[BP-4]

        ; And for the N'th time, make DX:AX same as EAX - sector number.

                SHLD    EDX,EAX,10H

                STI                             ; aha...

                MOV     BX,0700H                ; IO.SYS loads here!

                PUSH    BX
                MOV     CX,4                    ; load 4 IO.SYS sectors
                CALL    ReadSectorX             ; 2K is minimum FAT32 cluster
                POP     BX                      ; size anyway...

                JC      ShowErrMsg2             ; error...???

        ; COMMENT:
        ; Now, there is enough code here... to read the entire IO.SYS
        ; file into memory. This code has code to go through the FAT,
        ; there is code to read cluster... bla bla. And still only 2K
        ; of IO.SYS is read. If the entire file was read... IO.SYS would
        ; not have to do this... well well.

        ; Is there a Mark Zibikowski in the room?

                CMP     WORD PTR [BX],'ZM'              ; EXE signature...
                JNE     InvalidCluster

        ; Is there a Barabara Jones in the room?

                CMP     WORD PTR DS:[0200H][BX],'JB'    ; IO.SYS signature?
                JE      ExecutIOSYS

        ; The above shit appear in the IO.SYS file at offsets 0 and 200h
        ; The MZ is the usual EXE signature while the "BJ" is unknown to
        ; me. Maybe they chose it because it translates to harmless code:
        ;   INC DX - DEC DX, pretty dull if you ask me ;)
                MOV     SI,OFFSET ErrMsg3 + 7C00H
                JMP     PrintMessage
                DB      0EAH            ; Jump to IO.SYS at 0070:0200
                DW      0200H, 0070H

;                              GET FAT32 VALUE

GetFAT32Value   PROC    NEAR

                ADD     AX,AX                   ; Multiply DX:AX by 4,
                ADC     DX,DX
                ADD     AX,AX                   ; convert DX:AX from FAT32
                ADC     DX,DX                   ; index value to offset

        ; DX:AX is passed on as the FAT offset to lookup...

                CALL    GetFAT32Sector          ; read FAT sector

        ; the correct sector is returned... with DI as index...??
        ; At least that's what the MOV below assumes...


                MOV     EAX,ES:[BX+DI]          ; EAX = cluster value

        ; mask of top 4 bits of because Microsoft say it's reserved.

                AND     EAX,0FFFFFFFH           

        ; Make DX:AX the cluster number too...

                SHLD    EDX,EAX,16              ; EAX[HI] into EDX[LO]

        ; Check for EOF/BAD

                CMP     EAX,0FFFFFF8H           ; Is it the EOF marker?

                STI                             ; return with ZF=1 if the
                                                ; last cluster was read??

GetFAT32Value   ENDP

;                         GET FAT32 SECTOR

; On entry DX:AX is the FAT offset in bytes...

GetFAT32Sector  PROC    NEAR

        ; When this is called 0070:0200 seems to be the buffer in ES:BX
        ; but, the code below uses the DI value set down under here...

                MOV     DI,7E00H

		CLI				; Disable interrupts

        ; make EAX the sector number again... move DX into top of EAX...

                SHL     EAX,16
                SHRD    EAX,EDX,16

        ; move bytes per sector into ECX

                MOVZX   ECX,WORD PTR SS:[BP+0BH]

        ; divide EDX:EAX by BPS... EAX = sector, EDX = offset in sector...

                XOR     EDX,EDX
                DIV     ECX

        ; Check FAT sector number agains... saved value on stack...
        ; This one is initially -1 (also known as 0FFFFFFFFH)

                CMP     EAX,SS:[BP-8]   
                JE      LOC_30

        ; If sector is <> from -1, save this sector at 0000:7BF8

                MOV     SS:[BP-8],EAX   

        ; add hidden sectors... 

                ADD     EAX,SS:[BP+1CH]

        ; add reserved sectors too... 

                MOVZX   ECX,WORD PTR SS:[BP+0EH]
                ADD     EAX,ECX

        ; get FAT32 flags into EBX

                MOVZX   EBX,WORD PTR SS:[BP+28H]

        ; keep "Active FAT" bits 0-3

                AND     BX,0FH

        ; If zero, we're at the correct FAT

                JZ      CorrectFAT

        ; compare active FAT with number of FATs...

                CMP     BL,SS:[BP+10H]
                JAE     ShowErrMsg1     ; oops... invalid active FAT
                PUSH    DX              ; save DX for a while...

        ; save FAT sector in ECX

                MOV     ECX,EAX

        ; Put sectors per fat in EAX

                MOV     EAX,SS:[BP+24H]

        ; Multiply active FAT number with sectors per FAT

                MUL     EBX

        ; Add to first FAT sector number we already had...

                ADD     EAX,ECX

        ; NOW, EAX contains the correct FAT sector number.

                POP     DX
                PUSH    DX

        ; And for the N'th time, make DX:AX same as EAX - sector number.

                SHLD    EDX,EAX,16

		STI				; Enable interrupts

                MOV     BX,DI                   ; read FAT sector into
                                                ; 0000:7E00

        ; They sucker who wrote this could have saved 1 byte by
        ; saying XOR CX,CX instead of MOV CX,1 and called ReadSector
        ; instead of ReadSectorX, because there is an INC CX at
        ; ReadSector... haha...

                MOV     CX,1                    ; 1 sector
                CALL    ReadSectorX

                POP     DX

                JC      ShowErrMsg2
		STI				; Enable interrupts
                MOV     BX,DX

GetFAT32Sector  ENDP

        ; Properly align the sector's boot signature at the end of
        ; the 3rd boot sect0r.

                ORG     512 * 3 - 2

                DW      0AA55H                  ; 3rd Boot Signature

CODE            ENDS


; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;  OK, Folks. that was quite a bit of work. It got pretty simple after some
;  hours. 
;  I would like to thank the following people...
; * V Communications for Sourcer.
; * Ralf Brown for the Interrupt List.
; * Uriah Heep, The Who and Blind Guardian, for providing music.
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Source: geocities.com/riskyfriends/x86/download

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