JC/JB/JNAE         Carry flag is set
JNC/JNB/JAE        Carry flag is clear

JBE/JNA            Either carry or zero flag is set

JA/JNBE            Carry and zero flag are clear

JE/JZ              Zero flag is set

JNE/JNZ            Zero flag is clear

JL/JNGE            Sign flag overflow flag

JGE/JNL            Sign flag = overflow flag

JLE/JNG            Zero flag is set or sign overflow

JG/JNLE            Zero flag is clear and sign = overflow

JS                 Sign flag is set

JNS                Sign flag is clear

JO                 Overflow flag is set

JNO                Overflow flag is clear

JP/JPE             Parity flag is set (even parity)

JNP/JPO            Parity flag is clear (odd parity)

    Source: geocities.com/riskyfriends/x86

               ( geocities.com/riskyfriends)