Now I am not a paid critic, I just like to share the movies that I like and the ones I think aren't worth the time or the film it took to make them, and it makes me sick thinking about the number of trees they had to cut down to make the tickets
.  Here is the latest list:

I LIKE IT !!                                                            

Pirates of the Caribbean

Good movie, Johnny Depp was pretty good in this film and it was one of his more enjoyable pictures.  Beautiful scenery good comedy and the choreography was excellent

Dracula II: Ascension

Good plot, nice action a lot of blood.  Excellent film.  Wouldn't kick the chicks in this film out of bed either, unless they were truly vampires and even then I might consider letting them bite me.

Leaves it open for another sequel and believe it or not I do like Wes Cravens Dracula films

Star Trek: Nemesis

I am a trekkie so I really loved this movie.


good movie but the only reason I went to see it was because of Jennifer Garner, who everyone knows I am madly in love with and would marry at the drop of the hat and cry when I eventually woke up,  Nice action scenes they can do away with that trashy Irish accent Collin Farrell had, took away from his character.  Ben Affleck was okay even though I dislike him.


good flick, special effects were awesome, Jennifer Connelly is okay, they made her look too plain

Terminator 3

Great film, Arnold is getting too old to do this stuff anymore.  TX was a great addition and yes she was hot..  Action scenes were good although it seems to me that they cut down on the action a lot, probably so Arnold could drink his Ensure. Special Effects were cool.

Red Dragon

I watched this film, and it is a good one, the prequel to Silence of the Lambs,  great acting and Anthony Hopkins is as scary in this one as he was in the others.  This is a definite keeper



Lizzy McGuire

YUCK, horrible fricking movie.  Hillary Duff needs to rethink her career decisions


Horrible acting horrible storyline, Richard Gere must have really needed the money.  Everyone thinks Catherine Zeta Jones is cute, but to me, she isn't.

The Others

Truly earns the title of terrible
, Nicole Kidman was the highlight of the film.


Slow on the uptake, difficult storyline to follow, am disappointed in George Clooney.


Watching this film was PAINFUL.  I honestly lost my dinner and was blowing CHUNKS most of the evening.  I watched it with my niece and the best part of this movie was the ending.