This site I am going to devote to gaming.
My Favorite Games are:
ID Software games -- They make Doom, Quake,
Return to Castle Wofenstein all those games I love
Unreal Tournament
Garage Games -- This site has
good games although some of them are meant for Little kids. I
recommend Marble Blast for the kids. Its a fun game, teaches hand
eye coordination and it is very addictive. They support Linux,
Windows and Mac.
RealmWars -- This is a really cool game. It will support all
three major platforms as well. Right now the Windows Version
seems to be the most stable, the Linux version is not ready yet.
The Mac version just plain sucks, I cant even get it to play. The
Windows version will play fine with WineX on Linux.
Damage Studios -- This Game
is well unkown to me yet, further details are coming, they sound very
WineX -- This is how I play
my Windows games on Linux. It is a very good product and it works
very, very well. They are a great resource for gaming on
Linux. It is well worth becoming a subscriber.
X-Box --
Here is the official website for Microsoft's X-Box
Playstation2 -- Although not
my favorite console gaming platfor it is the most widely used, for
those of you that are interested I like the X Box more
Linux Game Tome -- Kinda
cheesy games not much news, Games are good for kids
Games Spy Daily -- My
favorite gaming news site
Game Wallpapers -- has
screenshots and desktop wallpaper from Games I know and love