<BGSOUND SRC="DauntlessBattalionMarch.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Allen, Denzil
Allen, John
Allen, Dr. and Mrs. William O.
Absher, Jack
Archer, George
Arnett, Dr. Charles F.
Atchison, Beth T.
Auxier, Dr. David
Bailey, Benny Ray
Baldridge, H. L.
Baldridge, Lillian
Barlow, Donald
Barrows, Bill and Wanda
Beldon, Virginia S.
Bennin, Hope Elizabeth
Bogale, Hailu and Yeshi
Bond, J. D. and Jennie
Bottoms, William and Jenny
Boulos, Anna Laura
Bowen, T. C., Jr.
Brackett, Ray and Francis
Bradbury, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Branham, Estill and Sallye
Branham, Robert and Carolyn
Brown, Elizabeth May
Buchanan, Ellis and Terry
Burchett, Dr. Blake
Burchett, Clyde and Eileen
Burchett, Paul Preston
Burchett, Randy and Sandy
Burgess, Thomas
Burke, Ethel Mae
Burke, Mrs. Jean A.
Burke, Joe and Leslie
Burke, Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Carter, Estill Lee
Carter, James and Geneva
Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Jim II
Castle, Earl M.
Caudill, Jeff
Chaffin, Helen B.
Chaney, Ann
Childers, Don and Suzanne
Church, Douglas
Clark, Edford L., Jr.
Clark, Helen B.
Cockerham, Ms. Brenda
Coleman, Linda
Collins, Judith Arnold Roberts
Collins, Laura Roberts
Collins, Margaret Dingus
Conley, Michael
Cooley, Harold
Cooley, Orville
Cuddy, Dan and Jo Ann
Damron, Martha Ann Archer
Daniels, Jim and Bertha
Darby, Bill
Davidson, Marshall
Davidson, William G.
Davis, Scott
Daws, Roberta M.
Diamond, Terry and Amy
Dickinson, Ms. Susan
Dickinson, William and Barbara
Ellis, Tom
Everly, John and Joyce
Exley, Wayne and Julia
Fannin, Jerry
Fairchild, Garnett
Fields, William
Fitzpatrick, Frank
Fitzpatrick, H. D., Jr. and Martha
Flanery, Thomas and Libby
Floyd, Deborah
Frazier, Chalmer
Francis, Fred
Francis, William G.
Fugate, Thomas W.
Gearhart, Burieta
Gevedon, Michael
Goble, Mr. and Mrs. James B.
Goble, James M.
Guerrant, Richard and Laura
Gulick, Ms. Kate
Hager, Paul C., Joy and Eddie
Halbert, Ronnie
Hale, Mary Auxier
Hall, Aileen
Hall, Mrs. Blaine R.
Hall, Sharon
Hamilton, James
Hamilton, Lee and Michelle
Hampton, Ben
Harkins, Walter Scott
Harned, Porter
Harris, Dorothy L.
Harris, Tom
Hart, Jean L.
Hatcher, Samuel D. and Linda Sue
Henderson, Todd and Monica
Hereford, David and Peggy
Hereford, Kevin
Herman, Douglas and Mary
Honshell, William and Phyllis
Howard, Alice
Howard, Bill Harvey
Hopkins, William
Hughes, Ms. Katherine H.
Hughes, Paul and Bonnie
Hyde, Katherine Hardy
Jacobs, Michael and Sabra
James, Billy L.
James, Fred and Joy
Johnson, Don and Patricia
Kinsey, Jean Ann and Roy
Lafferty, Tommy and Regina
Latta, Cliff and Ann
Lambert, Betsy
Lambeth, Jean and Woody
LaPointe, Mary Jo Shivel
Lauhon, Helen M.
Leslie, Dr. Larry M.
Lewandowski, Robert and Eileen
Lineberger, Dr. Mabel Rome
Lochtie, Byrd K.
Lockwood, Margaret S.
Lowe, Danny and Kathy
Maddox, Connie
Martin, Joe D. and Alice
Matijasic, Tom and Tammie
May, Bill and Lucy
May, Col. John W.
May, David and Lois
May, E. B., Jr. and Allie
May, Edgar and Edith
May, Eldon J.
May, Eve
May, Francis L.
May, Fred T. and Darlene
May, Gary and Linda
May, Jack and Carolyn
May, J. E. III
May, John W.
May, Kathy
May, Marrs Allen
May, Parker
May, Richard and Nella
May, Samuel and Joan
May, Samuel B.
May, Mrs. Samuel M.
May, Teresa Dianne
May, Thomas
McAninch, Robert and Helen
McCarty, Bonnie
McConnell, Paul P.
McCray, Connelly and Lou
McCray, Ella L.
Meyer, Robert
Miller, Brenda
Mitchell, Byrd
Morgan, Mary Ann
Mulling, Craig and Cherie Lynn
Mullins, Finnetta
Music, Mr. and Mrs. Edward C.
Music, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E., Jr.
Nairn, Edward
Nairn, Sue and Ted
Nairn, Trent
Nelson, Sam
Nunnery, Dixon
Okopski, Mr. and Mrs. Chet
Osborne, Donald and Drema
Osborne, Dorothy R.
Peavler, Kathryn May
Perry, Robert
Preston, John David
Preston, Virgil
Price, Phil and Rose
Ratcliff, James and Libby
Rawlings, Mr. and Mrs. Travis
Recktenwald, Roger
Reed, John and Diana
Rennick, Robert
Rhoades, Mrs. Jo
Robbins, Lee
Robinson, Robert Bingham
Roberts, Susan Carter
Rose, Tom
Rose, Wanda May
Rosenberg, John and Jean
Runyan, John
Saunders, Delmas
Scalf, Devon
Scalf, Wallace
Shepherd, Cleve and Janice
Shiber, John and Elaine
Shurtleff, Robert and Dorothy
Smith, Dolores
Spencer, Jim
Spurlock, Burl Wells
Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. Deward
Stumbo, Gregory
Stumbo, Jack
Sturgill, Barkley
Sturgill, Roy and Monette
Swarts, Mr. and Mrs. Howard F.
Traum, Carolyn
Trimble, Mrs. Clyde
Turner, Carolyn
Vance, Stuart
Van Hoose, F. S.
Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Walker, Gary C.
Ward, W. Jeff III
Ward, Jerry Hatcher
Ward, Phillip and Patricia
Wells, Brenda Scalf
Wells, John B. III and Terry
Whitson, Aileen M.
Wilder Ben F.
Williamson, Aaron
Wright, Owen W.
Wood, Phillip
Woodring, Patsy
Zoeller, Robert F.
Clubs, Corporations, and Businesses
Prestonsburg Industrial Development Corporation
Kiwaniannes of Prestonsburg
Jenny Wiley AARP, Prestonsburg
Prestonsburg Ambassadors Club
Gen. Humphrey Marshall Camp No. 1429, SCV
Lambert-Spurlock Partnership
Music-Carter-Hughes, Inc., Prestonsburg
Gen. John C. Breckinridge Camp No. 100, SCV
Pvt. Edward F. Arthur Camp No. 1783, SCV
First Commonwealth Bank, Prestonsburg
Readmore Bookstore, Prestonsburg
Jenny Wiley State Park Gift Shop
Floyd County Times, Prestonsburg
Zoeller Company of Louisville
Baldridge Engineering, Prestonsburg
ABW Engineering, Allen
Floyd County Historical Society
Prestonsburg Tourism Commission
State-Wide Press, Prestonsburg
Burchett and Associates Architects, Prestonsburg
Argabrite and Associates Architects, Louisville
Nelson Photography, Dwale
Middle Creek Battlefield Association, Prestonsburg.
John Washington Payne Camp #268, SCV
Carter Funeral Home, Prestonsburg
Heirs of the S. P. Davidson Estate, Pikeville
Paran Management Company, Cleveland, Ohio
Nairn Corporation, Prestonsburg
Prestonsburg Woman's Club
Prestonsburg Rotary Club
Prestonsburg Community College
Prestonsburg City Utilities
Floyd County Soil Conservation District
Clark, Dr. Eddy
Davis, Brett
Garber, Malcom
Hall, Lloyd
Hicks, Lisa May
Hicks, Marty May
Keaton, Dr. Andy
Paskewitz, Janice S.
Robinson, Robert S.
Smith, Paul and Linda
Sternberg, Dale and Sharon
Williamson, Leslie
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May House Individual Donors
During the first half of the 20th Century, Prestonsburg's Daughters of the American Revolution did much to preserve the history of Floyd County. Hurrah for them!!!
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