Hello, and welcome to the home page of RMC, Ron' MUD Client! This page will provide an information and download site for RMC. I hope you enjoy the page and the application.
Current version - 0.69
What RMC has to offer:
- Runs in X-windows
- ANSI color in scrollable window
- Multiple simultaneous connections
- Argument capable aliases
- Argument capable triggers based on POSIX regular expressions
- Built-in alias and trigger editor
- Logging to a window or file, or both
- Browseable command history
- User-selectable fonts
- Browseable and selectable MUD list provided by The MUD Connector
- GPL'd source
What it requires:
- A Linux box running X
- The latest version of the GIMP Tool Kit, GTK+
- An end-user (you!)
Future plans:
- Ability to enable/disable aliases, triggers, and logs
- Cutomizable colors
- Pizza delivery with the click of a button ;-)
Comments or questions? E-mail me!