Text Box:  From the 9th Arch 
*a newsletter from Visalia Council No. 43 of Cryptic Masons of California
Meets every 3rd Tuesday/7:30PM
At Visalia Masonic Temple, Visalia, CA.
17 July 2005











Mackey Twenty Five Landmarks

By Rudy Olano, IM


    The twenty five Landmarks according to Albert Mackey has been discussed and challenged by other Masonic scholars such as Albert Pike, Roscoe Pound, R.F. Gould, etc.  Not all Grand Lodges recognized or accepted all of the twenty five landmarks.  Some accepted the portions of, while some such as California, “have half-heartedly adopted Mackey’s twenty-five.”  Albert Pike’s Opinion of Mackey’s Landmark published in 1888, as a commentary to the Mackey, was I would characterize as little blunt to a point of rubbing off some tenets of Brotherly Love.  I would agree on some and disagree on others therefore, the point is and always has is that there is no official written Ancient Landmarks that everybody agreed on.  The Ancient Landmarks were intentionally vague because to “put it on writing” makes the Landmarks limited to certain issues.  By “speaking” in general terms, the ideals of Freemasonry can be applied to multitude of issues limited only to ones imagination. 


   The following paragraph is an excerpt from  Path of a Master Mason published by Educational Bureau, Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Mason: 


   “ In your journey through the three degrees of Symbolic Masonry and as you have learned the proficiency lecture for each degree, no doubt many questions have arise concerning the meaning of the ritualistic ceremonies, the historical implication and the "why" of the legends of Freemasonry.

   Many believe the Sublime Degree of Master Mason to be the ultimate degree of Freemasonry and that all others are added and explanatory.  However, most students of Freemasonry agree that the story of the Craft as presented in the three degrees is incomplete.

   On the union of the Grand Lodges in 1813, a part of the compact of the union read, "Ancient Craft Masonry consists of three degrees and no more, namely, those of the Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Mason including the Holy Royal Arch."

   We trust that as a newly made Master Mason, you have been intrigued by the lessons and mysteries of Freemasonry which you have thus far received and that you will in due time investigate those available in the York Rite of Freemasonry in order to complete your Masonic knowledge.”


   In the original form of Mackey’s The Landmarks, or Unwritten Laws, the Landmark Second quoted an article of the Union of Grand Lodges in 1813 regarding inclusion of Holy Royal Arch. important fact.  I highlighted the factual quotation above.  And just to intrigue our brethren mind, I would like to leave them with a short remark. 


     As a Master Mason, you received the substitute of the Lost Word.  The substitute will not allow you to work and receive the Master Mason wages when you travel and work in foreign countries.  As a Master Mason your journey is not yet complete.