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The American Military Academies

The Old Guard It seems like everyone in the U.S. knows about the three most famous American military academies, the
But the three academies are NOT the only locations in the United States where one can obtain a college education in a military surrounding.
The Old Guard parades in Washington DC

There Are Also a Number of

American Military Colleges & Universities

for the person who is interested in a full military lifestyle while receiving an excellent education.. At all of these schools, students who are members of the Corps of Cadets live in a full-time military environment. At all of these schools you can earn a commission in the United States Armed Forces.

This home page is dedicated to these additional military colleges and universities. Here you will learn about

Va Tech Cadet

Virginia Tech

-- Corps of Cadets Option --
The Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets of about 600 graces this land grant university, whose total student population is over 20,000. Since its inception, the Corps has provided future leaders for the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Nation. Army, Air Force and Navy (with Marine Corps option) ROTC are available. Students who choose to be in the Corps live in a full-time military environment, but take all their academic courses along with civilian students. The first year (formerly "Rat Year" but now "New Cadet Year") is especially demanding. Generous scholarships are available to qualified Corps members. All ROTC students must also be in the Corps. But some students elect to be in the Corps but not pursue ROTC.
Official Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Page
Watch and hear the regimental band -- the Highty Tighties -- right now!
An unofficial Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Page
Regimental Band Home Page

Texas A&M Cadet

Texas A&M University

-- Corps of Cadets Option --
The nation's largest Corps of Cadets (outside the military academies) is found at TAMU. This year more than 2000 cadets will walk the campus, along with around 40,000 civilians. But the military lifestyle makes things very different for members of the Corps. "Fish" (freshman cadets) have it especially rough. TAMU graduates have provided leadership for over 100 years in the the state and nation. The Corps of Cadets is arguably its finest institution. Why not check out the
(Watch the Band and Corps "Pass in Review" right now.)
Texas A&M University HomePage.

Citadel View

The Citadel

The Corps of Cadets numbers about 2000 at this famous school in South Carolina. It has provided leaders to the civilian and military world for many years. Army, Air Force, and Navy (with Marine Corps option) ROTC are available to students. Time to take a look at the
Homepage of The Citadel.

VMI Cadets

Virginia Military Institute

All students at VMI are in the Corps of Cadets, and find themselves engaged in a very vigorous military lifestyle. Especially challenging to the new student is the freshman ("Rat") year. Army, Air Force, and Navy (with Marine Corps option) ROTC are available. The small student body of about 1000 is quite close. And VMI has now decided to admit women. Graduates do especially well in a variety of fields after graduation, and have made VMI one of the best-endowed schools (per capita) in the country. Take a look at VMI's HomePage.


Mary Baldwin College - Virginia Women's Institute for Leadership

-- Corps of Cadets Option --
This very special program at Mary Baldwin College features the world's only all-woman Corps of Cadets. The program was originally associated with Virginia Military Institute -- which is still where the VWIL cadets take ROTC -- earning them commissions in the armed forces. Note that this corps of cadets is an entirely independent operation within Mary Baldwin College, and that members of the Corps share the MBC campus with civilian students. Consider the Virginia Women's Institute for Leadership at Mary Baldwin College.

Norwich Color Guard

Norwich University

-- Corps of Cadets Option --
Founded in 1819 by Alden Partridge, the "father of ROTC," Norwich University's mission was to provide officers for the national defense in keeping with the "citizen-soldier" concept. From the Blackhawk War to Operation Desert Storm, Norwich graduates have served their country with valor in times of national crisis. The freshman ("Rook") year is especially demanding. Members of the Corps of Cadets share the Norwich campus with civilian students. Numerous scholarships are available. Examine the Norwich U. HomePage.

North Georgia Cadet

North Georgia College & State University

A large Corps of Cadets graces this campus in a beautiful part of Georgia. All incoming men who live more than 50 miles from the campus are required to be in the Corps. Others, men and women, can choose to be members if they wish. Army ROTC is the exclusive commissioning option at this college, and North Georgia College & State Universtiy has a reputation for training excellent Army officers.
View their informative Corps of Cadets videotape right now.
Visit the North Georgia College & State University Homepage.

Coast Guard Ship

U.S. Coast Guard Academy

All positions are competitive for appointment to the U.S. Coast Guard academy, and graduates lead exciting lives near the American coast and on American rivers. Why not check out the U.S. Coast Guard Academy Home Page?

U.S. Merchant Marine Academy

Academy Seal About 1000 cadets train here for service in the United States merchant navy. But many graduates take reserve Navy commissions and then spend their careers wearing navy blue. The U.S. government pays all costs for training and education, just like at Annapolis or West Point. Why not take a look at the Homepage of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy.

Maine Maritime Cadets

American Maritime Academies

Earn a Navy or Coast Guard commission at one of the six American Maritime Academies. These can be explored from this linked location which details merchant marine training world-wide. Some of these schools have a Corps of Cadets lifestyle, while others do not. Visit the Maritime Academies.

Assoc of Military Colleges and Schools in the U.S. ...Official Organization for Many of the Above
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Military Junior Colleges...Earn an Army Commission in Just 2 Years
Military Ceremonies Page...With Lots of Great Music by the best military bands

This page created and maintained by Robert Morecock, Company I, Class of 68, Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets. You can e-mail me at rmorecook@hotmail.com. Note the new spelling of my name. (Robert Morecook)
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