Running Man Recreation Association
Summer News, June 17, 2000
This is just a quick update on several items of a general nature for all of us. Some of the things I mention here you may already be aware of and others are for your information. Since we won't all meet until next February it seems right that we at least try to keep you informed of how we're doing as a corporation and what's going on.
Our Grand Opening was a big success. For those of you there you felt the excitement of the kids as we cut the ribbon to signify the pool open for business. For those that couldn't be there the feeling was awesome - all our recreation center dreams seemed to come true as the children chanted "CUT THE RIBBON, CUT THE RIBBON"!! That's what we've been working for. It was super!
The RMRA as a corporation is doing well. Membership is up, 158 and rising, which helps with the cash flow and portends good things for our financial future. The Board is making every effort to balance good fiscal policies with all those first year expenses that seem to keep popping up. We have three major items that we'd like to purchase before the summer's over, a pool cover, interior furnishings for the clubhouse and a RMRA sign. These items represent a major expense that we're considering and trying to fund. Of the three items, the pool cover is the most expensive and the most needed. It will protect the pool from debris in the off season and help prevent expensive repairs to the plaster. We'll let you know the status as it is known.
The RMRA website, "" is up and running. You can find the pool operating hours, Pool Rules, Clubhouse Rules, Rental Application, By-laws, and membership information there. Also listed are your officers and their home phone numbers. We'll be adding pictures and other useful information about our organization, as they become available. We intend this to be a user-friendly site for all of us. For those of you looking for your own copy of the pool or clubhouse rules, this is one place to get them. We will have hard copies of these for those that want them in the lifeguard office this weekend.
Those of you who have been using the pool have undoubtedly noticed our gateguards. Unfortunately we feel we must have them on duty to help ensure only current members enjoy the facility. If you notice a non-member using our pool please let one of the Board members know and we'll take care of it. We've also instructed the gateguards to ask everyone to ensure both parents have signed the Liability Release form. We apologize for this minor inconvenience but it is an administrative detail we must complete. We will be expanding the gateguards duties soon to include lost and found, snack sales and perhaps some yard watering. We want them to have a rewarding employment experience! Finally, watch for more information on the gateguard topic as we develop additional procedures to make this as painless as possible.
The swim team is looking like a huge success. At last count they had about 85 swimmers. They have an excellent head coach and should have a great season. Swimming lessons are lined up and will start on the 20th. Betsy Terry is our very experienced instructor. She can be reached at 867-8980. Our guard staff is doing a good job and could use an encouraging word, as well as constructive criticism, every once in a while.
The pool and clubhouse are available to rent for parties or special occasions. The forms are available on the web or from Liz Bryant, Steve Barneyback or me. There is a nominal charge for each and accompanying rules to be followed. Penny Schindel will be teaching art classes two times a week in the clubhouse when school resumes in the fall. Other Running Man groups are encouraged to think about using the facilities.
We would like to mention the continuing need for volunteer help. This might be landscaping assistance, pool clean-up, special event set-up, etc. It would be nice to let one of the Board members know if you could be called on when the need arises.
Lastly, the Board is available to listen to your suggestions or complaints. We're interested in making our pool and clubhouse available and enjoyable for all members.
Phil Comstock, President
Running Man Recreation Association