RMRA Year 2000 Budget Summary and Year 2001 Proposed Budget
Presented at the RMRA General Membership Meeting, February 27, 2001

Year 2000 (Actual) Year 2001 (Proposed)
Dues ($300 each) $ 47,400.00 158 members. $ 51,000.00 170 members.
New Shares ($1,250 each) $ 14,850.00 12 new (1 @1100). $ 15,000.00 12 new.
Rental Fees $ 1,245.00 $ 1,440.00
Interest Earned $ 667.29 $ 1,500.00
Guest Fees and Concessions (net) $ 928.99 $ 1,200.00
Total Income = $ 65,145.28 $ 70,140.00
Bank Service Charge $ 23.91 $ 48.00
Bookkeeping $ 0.00 $ 1,200.00
Clubhouse Supplies $ 466.97 $ 600.00
Electricity and Lights $ 3,831.70 $ 4,400.00
Furniture Purchase $ 0.00 $ 1,000.00
Gas $ 149.84 $ 240.00
Gate Keeper $ 3,717.34 $ 4,200.00
Grounds Maintenance $ 770.17 $ 2,400.00
Insurance $ 2,953.00 $ 3,700.00 Includes workman's comp.
Legal Fees $ 113.75 $ 200.00
Maintenance $ 70.00 $ 600.00
Mortgage $ 24,704.00 10 months. $ 29,644.80
Office/Postal $ 244.34 $ 400.00
Phone Charges $ 470.02 $ 600.00
Pool Management $ 16,709.50 Includes chemicals. $ 11,600.00 Manager and lifeguards.
Pool Supplies $ 7,312.47 Includes pool cover. $ 2,000.00 Includes chemicals.
Real Estate Taxes $ 387.46 $ 600.00
Sewer (HRSD) $ 52.23 $ 120.00
Sign $ 0.00 $ 1,800.00
Social Activities $ 207.03 $ 600.00
Swim Team $ 674.00 $ 0.00
Water $ 713.35 $ 720.00
York Utility (trash/sewer) $ 251.56 $ 300.00
Contingency $ 0.00 $ 1,800.00
Total Expenses = $ 63,822.64 $ 68,772.80
Reserve Account
Beginning of Year $ 34,878.04 $ 36,200.68
Addition from Yearly Budget $ 1,322.64 $ 1,367.20
End of Year Balance = $ 36,200.68 $ 37,567.88

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