RMRA Construction Budget

Presented at the RMRA General Membership Meeting, February 27, 2001

Construction Income
Charter Shares (136*$950) + (2*$600) $ 130,400.00
Developer Shares (95*$1000) $ 95,000.00
Loan $ 245,000.00
1999 Dues (138*$150) $ 20,700.00
Donation $ 260.00
Interest Earned $ 153.55
Total Construction Income = $ 491,513.55
Construction Costs
Bank Service Charge $ 36.02
Bike Rack $ 542.46
Closing Costs $ 4,768.00
Clubhouse Building $ 157,823.00
Clubhouse Furnishing $ 1,096.78
Construction Loan Interest $ 2,663.48
Electricity $ 242.37
Engineering $ 11,097.52
Fence $ 8,730.00
Insurance $ 2,672.00
Landscaping $ 7,255.54
Legal Fees $ 854.35
Licenses/Permits $ 1,548.40
Lighting $ 278.25
Misc. Hardware $ 432.33
Office/Postal $413.96
Outdoor Furnishing $ 4,119.05
Phone Installation $ 135.92
Pool $ 164,630.00
Real Estate Taxes $ 117.79
Sewer (HRSD) $ 21.60
Site Work $ 83,162.16
Utilities to Site (tap fees, etc.) $ 3,957.49
Water $ 37.04
Total Construction Costs = $ 456,635.51
Required Escrow $ 30,000.00
Reserve $ 4,878.04
Total = $ 491,513.55

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