Running Man Recreation Association
Minutes of the General Membership Meeting
February 27, 2001
Meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM by Phil Comstock, President. Board members present were; Phil Comstock; Dan Murri, Vice President; Sam Motley, Treasurer; Shirley Finucan, Secretary; Brian Mc Cormick, Membership; and Liz Bryant, Clubhouse Rentals. Steve Barneyback was absent .
Approve 2000 Meeting Minutes:
See attached Exhibit "A". Was also noted that the minutes have been posted on the web site. Motion was made to approve minutes as presented. Seconded. No discussion. Minutes were approved with show of hands
Committee Reports and 2001 Budget:
Pool Operations - Phil stated that we used Professional Pools last year and were satisfied with their work but the cost was high. Along with gateguards the total cost was almost $20k. The gate guards were needed to help police the pool so that only members were and using the pool. Cost was $3700 for gate guards. Have decided to hire our own pool manager the 2001 year. The cost for this, including gate guards, has been estimated by the Board to be $17K. This includes chemicals, life guards, gate guards and manager. Position has been posted. This will be a salaried position with small amount of life guarding expected as part of the job.
Financial Budget 2001:
Construction budget see attached Exhibit "B".
Year 2000 Budget see attached Exhibit "BB". Included in the proposed budget for 2001 we are projecting 12 new members by May when pool opens.
Budget keeps the dues at $300 annually and will be due on 5/15/01.
Grounds maintenance has been increased to cover cost of maintaining landscaping on a monthly basis.
Question - Pools supplies - $7300 included pool cover and chemicals for 2000. $1000/mo estimated for chemicals for 2001 budget. Board feels based on these figures we can get better dollar for dollar value with a pool manager who can also supervise the staff - life guards and gate guards.
Question - would tags given to members and checked by the life guards be a better solution to monitoring who is using the pool? Board feels that the lifeguards are hired to watch the pool and not police the people coming into the pool. Doesn't want to risk less attention by guards whose prime responsibility is pool safety.
Question - New shares from 12 members. Will all income go into the operating budget or does any income go into a contingency or toward the buydown of the mortgage loan? Also, what is the membership number needed to operate without new members? Phil stated we didn't have any funds earmarked specifically for "mortgage buydown" but did have a contingency fund. He was unsure what the exact number of members needed to sustain operations but estimated approximately 175 needed for steady state operations.
Question - Is there a contingency fund for the Board to buy back RMRA memberships? Phil stated No. He explained there are three ways to dispose of a membership. Convey with transfer of property, sell to another Running Man homeowner or petition the Board to buy back the membership. At this time there is no money available or special account to do this. The Board will take this up for discussion to set up this type of reserve account in next year's budget.
Rob Learn stated that with all the new houses being built in the neighborhood that should facilitate the new members needed to get and keep the budget in balance.
Suggestion made to the Board to have something possibly placed in the Running Man Welcome packages to new residents to inform them on how to join the pool.
Motion was made to vote on the 2001 budget. Motion seconded. Discussion - none. Show of hands approved the 2001 budget as submitted.
Membership - Board reported that we have 161 members at this time. Need 173 members to make 2001 budget work. Hope to have new members going into the Spring. Question on the maximum number of members - per the Bylaws it is 300.
Question was asked if a roster of all members of the pool could be posted and or distributed to the members. After discussion it was determined that a list would be made and copies would be available for those who desired one at the clubhouse, Pool Manager's office. If there is anyone who wishes not to have their name on the list they would need to contact a Board member and notify them.
Clubhouse Rental - To date the clubhouse has been rented approximately 20 times. There is one continual rental - an ongoing art class. Approximately $1400 has been earned from renting the clubhouse.
Swim Team - "Running Manta Rays" won their division last year. They will move up to the White division for the 2001 season.
Swim team will be holding another fundraising auction on 3/30/01. This will be open to everyone and there will also be swimmer registration at that time. They have purchased new lane ropes with the funds raised last year. Total swimmers in 2000 was 87.
Kathey Tapfer will also be heading up the Social Activities for RMRA for 2001. The first social event with be the anniversary of the pool opening, 25 May. Other ideas for social activities are welcome!
Landscaping - Helen Jenelle spoke to the members about a few suggestions and area of concerns. There are some areas of our landscaping plan that are in need of correction. Some plants have died. Since there is money available to hire out maintenance we should look to do this work ourselves and keep out the potential threat of chemicals and other issues associated with hiring outside maintenance firms. She solicited volunteers to help with maintaining our property.
Need to get members to volunteer to take are of weeding in early spring to eliminate the onset of heavy weeds. Would like to have one Saturday in March set aside for weeding and heavy pruning. Then a second Saturday can be set up for spreading mulch and finishing the weeding . This would help keep things under control for the summer. The gateguards could do some minor daily weeding to keep control of the weed situation throughout the summer. Volunteer signup sheets are available tonight for those who can volunteer.
Board members brought to the attention of all members that it is a problem getting volunteers out to help with landscaping. This is why the Board inserted the landscaping line item in the budget for 2001.
Member also suggested that the property around the pool be divided up and parceled out per street and members on that street could maintain a certain section of land throughout the summer. Minor comments on loading up the block captains with another duty. No one followed up on this suggestion.
Old Business:
Next Board meeting will be in March. Need to make suggestions on how manager will manage the pool and what exact job description will be. Anyone interested in providing input should attend the next Board meeting.
New Business:
Blue Dolphin swim team has asked to rent the pool in the AM. Issues of concern are security deposit for damage, noise. Time would be from 6 - 8 AM for year round swim team. They would have to provide their own insurance. Rob Learn stated he would be concerned with the noise issue. We would not want to disturb the neighbors of the pool with whistles etc in early morning hours. One member spoke up who had a previous experience with this swim team and noted noise was not an issue. They made $800 for the pool for summer operation support.
Motion was made for the Board to decide on a reasonable price to rent, require a security deposit and place a caveat in the contract on noise issue. Contract could be reevaluated if it did become a problem. Motion was seconded.
Discussion - Early member swim would still be viable with a specific lane roped off for members to swim if desired.
Vote by show of hand approved. One exception.
Slate of New officers for 2001 - See attached Exhibit "C". Phil requested that we have two additional volunteers to add to the Board. Dorothy Frick made a motion to nominated Alex Costen. Motion was seconded and all approved.
All members are requested to vote prior to leaving the meeting.
Motion made to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 PM. Motion seconded. Meeting adjourned.