Running Man Swim Team Information for 2002

The "Running Manta Rays"

[Test image]For the Summer of 2002, the Running Manta Rays will again be competing in the White Division of the GPSA. If you have any questions about the swim team you can call Kathey Tapfer at 865-2924

Swim Team Schedule:

Day Date Time Event
Friday April 19 4-7 PM Swim team registration & auction at clubhouse.
Saturday June 1 6-8 PM Ice cream social / deadline for registration.
Monday June 3 3-5 PM After school practice begins.
Saturday June 8 12-5:30 PM Fundraiser at Bingo City.
Tuesday June 11 6:30 PM Coaches/officials clinic at pool TBA.
Friday June 14 8-10 AM Morning practice begins.
Saturday June 15 8 AM Coaches/officials clinic at Langley.
Monday June 17 6 PM Time trials at RMRA pool.
Monday June 24 **6 PM Beechwood at Running Man
Thursday June 27 *6 PM Running Man at George Wythe.
Tuesday July 2 **6 PM Colony at Running Man.
Monday July 8 *6 PM Running Man at WYCC.
Thursday July 11 **6 PM B Meet, Hidenwood at Running Man.
Monday July 15 TBA Team pictures before meet.
Monday July 15 **6 PM Willow Oaks at Running Man.
TBA July TBA Mini Meet.
Thursday July 25 *6 PM B Meet, Running Man at Old Port Cove.
Monday July 29 *6 PM Running Man at Northhampton.
Saturday August 3 TBA Fort Eustis championship meet.
Sunday August 4 4 PM Swim Team Banquet, awards & trophies, at clubhouse.

All swim meets (home or away) start at 6:00 PM.
**Home meets - arrive at 4:45pm
*Away meets - arrive at 5:15pm

All neighbors are welcome to come and cheer on the team!

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