Results from RMRA General Membership Meeting held on February 25, 2003
A general membership meeting was held at Tabb Elementary School on February 25, 2003. At this meeting, it was determined that the dues for the year 2003 would remain at $325 and will be due on May 15, 2003. No changes to the bylaws were made.
Year 2002 budget summary and year 2003 proposed budgetThe Board of Directors that were elected for the year 2003 are:
Dan Murri, President, 865-6798
Tom Brown, Vice President, 224-0888
Paul Daspit, Treasurer, 766-5647
Phil Arcara, Secretary, 223-1466
Jeff Yetter, Clubhouse Coordinator, 867-9208
Robert Dillman, Membership Committee, 766-2331
Hank Mohrmann, Pool Operations, 868-4559
Lisa Helmick, Swim Team, 867-1116
(Please do not call before 9am or after 9pm)