Running Man Swim Team Information for 2006

The "Running Manta Rays"

[Test image]For the Summer of 2006, the Running Manta Rays will again be competing in the Red Division of the GPSA. If you have any questions about the swim team you can call Maryann Jacobson at 223-7291.

Swim Team Schedule:

Day Date Time Event
Friday May 5 4 - 7 PM Registration at RMRA clubhouse
Tuesday May 30 3:30-4:30 PM After school swim practice begins for middle
and high school students
4:30-5:30 PM After school swim practice begins for elementary
and preschool students
Friday June 2 5:30 - 6:30 PM "Ask the Coach" night at RMRA clubhouse
Sunday June 4 2:30 - 6 PM Bingo fundraiser
Saturday June 10 9 - 11 AM Aloha Splash - fun, games, and food!
Thurs/Fri June 15 & 16 No practices
Saturday June 17 9 AM - Noon *Parent Volunteer Training Clinic at Marlbank
Monday June 19 8 - 9:15 AM Morning practices start for middle
and high school students
9:15 - 10:15 AM Morning practices start for for elementary
and preschool students
Tuesday June 20 6 - 9 PM *Parent Volunteer Training Clinic at TBD
Wednesday June 21 5 - 9 PM Fudruckers Family Dinner Fundraiser
Thursday June 22 TBD Time trials at Running Man
Monday June 26 TBD Pep Rally/Ice Cream Social
Thursday June 29 5:15 PM First meet - Running Man at Kiln Creek
Thursday July 6 5:15 PM Running Man at James River Country Club
Monday July 10 4:45 PM Hidenwood at Running Man
Thursday July 13 4:45 PM Glendale at Running Man
Saturday July 15 TBD Mini-Meet
Monday July 17 5:15 PM Running Man at Marlbank
Thursday July 20 4:45 PM Tabb at Running Man
Thursday July 27 5:15 PM "B" Meet, Running Man at Tabb
Monday July 31 4:45 PM "B" Meet, Marlbank at Running Man
Saturday Aug 5 TBD City Championship Meet

All swim meets (home or away) start at 6:00 PM.
Away meets - arrive at 5:15pm
Home meets - arrive at 4:45pm

* Parent Volunteer Training. One or both parents from each family needs to attend at least one of these training sessions. Clinics provided by GPSA to train meet officials such as timers, lane judges, scorekeepers, ribbon writers, and stroke and turn judges. Understanding your meet assignment prior to the meet insures a smooth and timely completion of the swim meet.

All neighbors are welcome to come and cheer on the team!

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