Those present or represented at the March 6, 2007 RMRA General Membership Meeting

1 Stephen and Cynthia Benson Present
2 Kathy Cook Present
3 Debbie Cutler Present
4 Eric Hinson Present
5 Maryann Jacobson Present
6 Joe and Theresa Katuziensky Proxy
7 John and Janice Kistler Proxy
8 Rob Learn Present
9 Steve Mason Present
10 Michael Miller Proxy
11 Tony and Sara Hartian Proxy
12 Hank Mohrmann Present
13 Richard and Amy Meyer Proxy
14 Steve and Rebecca Moberg Proxy
15 Dan Murri Present
16 Gordan and Cheryl Parr Proxy
17 Russ and Beth Rausch Proxy
18 Jean Smartt Proxy
19 Paul Stough Present
20 Kathey Tapfer Present
21 Ron Thompson Present
22 Martin and Michelle Waszak Proxy
23 William and Susan Wood Proxy

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