. 2007 RMRA Meeting Results

Results from RMRA General Membership Meeting held on March 6, 2007

A general membership meeting was held at the Running Man clubhouse on March 6, 2007. At this meeting, it was determined that the dues for the year 2007 would remain at $350 and will be due on May 15, 2006. No changes to the bylaws were made.

Minutes of the meeting

Year 2006 budget summary and year 2007 proposed budget


The Board of Directors that were elected for the year 2007 are:

Kathy Tapfer, President, 865-2924

Dana King, Treasurer, 867-6610

Debra Cutler, Secretary, 867-9524

Nancy Thompson, Membership Committee, 643-6314

Steve Mason, Pool Operations, 867-5140

Julie Mitcham, Swim Team, 867-6538

Maryann Jacobson, Social Committee, 223-7291

Phil Jones, 867-6970

(Please do not call before 9am or after 9pm)


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