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SHOT0081.pcx (287523 bytes)

The first thing that I do is to create, as many metal extractors as there are metal deposits.

Then build enough solar collectors to have a plus factor of 20 OR MORE.

I like to congregate these close together...

SHOT0086.pcx (288871 bytes) ...But as you can see here the computer doesn't do this.
SHOT0093.pcx (287751 bytes) Once you have created as many ENERGY AND METAL collectors as you need, it is now time to build your LABS. I like to build my Kbot Lab first and then my Vehicle, and last of all my Aircraft Lab.

You must now build up your perimeter defences, these may be in the form of, Vehicles, Kbots, or  Laser Towers,Rocket Towers,Dragons teeth etc.

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When possible it does help to build advanced LABS, these help by providing you with new Kbots, and Vehicles.

Most of these are either, newer improved versions of others, or heavy armoured.

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Now is time to build-up your forces for your final attack.

SHOT0108.pcx (276014 bytes)

During the attack it may be useful to build up a smaller base just inside the enemies lines.

Maps Featured here:-
                                 The Pass. Home page
                                 The desert triad.


Tip : - Unit Viewer
Try Holding down the [SHIFT] key when building and you can build multiple buildings or plan a route of collecting energy. All of the gifs I've collected.