dead dude smokin'.gif (9588 bytes)Unit Viewer itchy&scrathchy.gif (19284 bytes)

The Unit Viewer  is a Medium sized file that gives you the ability to view all of the old and the new units available to you. But you MUST read all the instructions that are on the page!

There is even some new.gif (9109 bytes) units. Yes some new.gif (9109 bytes) units right here at this page. They range from medical units, to mobile anti-nuke's, and there is even a resurrection kbot. Plus many, many more.

SO? What are you waiting for;


s-unitview.gif (16231 bytes)


To Download the Unit Viewer:-

  1. Click on One of the Links Above.

  2. Go to the side bar, and click on Unit Viewer.

  3. Follow ALL instructions on the page.


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                                                                                                                                                                                                  z.gif (30917 bytes)                                  mail1.gif (16328 bytes)                                 z.gif (30917 bytes)



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