The Vulgate is the Latin version of the Bible. The influence which it has exercised upon western Christianity is scarcely less than that of the LXX upon the Greek churches. Both the Greek and the Latin Vulgate have long been neglected; yet the Vulgate should have a very deep interest for all western churches. For many centuries it was the only Bible generally used; and directly or indirectly, it is the real parent of all vernacular version of western Europe. The Gothic version of Ulphilas alone is independent of it. The name is equivalent to Vulgata editio (the current text of Holy Scripture). This translation was made by Jerome -- Eusebius Hieronymus -- who was born in 329 A.D. at Stridon in Dalmatia, and died at Bethlehem in 420 A.D. This scholar probably alone for 1500 years possessed the qualifications necessary for producing an original version of the Scriptures for the use of the Latin churches. Going to Rome, Jerome was requested by Pope Damasus, A.D. 383, to make a revision of the old Latin version of the New Testament, whose history is lost in obscurity. In middle life, Jerome began the study of the Hebrew, and made a new version of the Old Testament from the original Hebrew, which was completed A.D. 404. The critical labors of Jerome were received with a loud outcry of reproach. He was accused of disturbing the repose of the Church and shaking the foundations of faith. But clamor based upon ignorance soon dies away ; and the New translation gradually came into use equally with the Old, and at length supplanted it. The vast power which the Vulgate has had in determining the theological terms of western Christendom can hardly be overstated. By far the greater part of the accepted doctrinal terminology is based on the Vulgate. [King James Stuart is perhaps more than anyone else the party most responsible for this fact of history. He had a personal antipathy to the Geneva Bible's attempt to Anglo-Saxonize, and Calvinize, ideas and concepts that James felt should not be tampered with.] Predestination, justification, supererogation (supererogo), sanctification, salvation, mediation, regeneration, revelation, visitation (met.), propitiation, first appeared in the Old Vulgate. Grace, redemption, election, reconciliation, satisfaction, inspiration, scripture, were devoted there to a new and holy use. Sacrament and communion are from the same source ; and though baptism, angel, evangel, hymn, priest, martyr, idol, prophet and Psalms are all Greek, they come to us from the Latin. Then words like `amen` were Hebrew in origin, then entered the Greek scriptures, then the Latin Bible, and finally the King James English. It would be easy to extend the list by the addition of numerous other examples. And then there's the continent. The German language likewise has seen an almost staggering impact from the Vulgate, not simply from Gutenberg of Mainz, but the translation of Luther (himself a scholar of the Vulgate). It can be seen that the Vulgate has left its mark both upon our language and upon our thoughts. It was the version which alone they knew who handed down to the reformers the rich stores of mediaeval wisdom ; the version with which the greatest of the reformers were most familiar, and from which they had drawn their earliest knowledge of divine truth. |
Fly in the ointment? Saint Jerome was without question a formidable scholar of the most ancient tongues of our Holy Bible -- of Latin, of Greek, and of Hebrew. But as a man, he was beset with conflicts. Friedrich Heer, an Austrian Catholic, peers into Jerome's inmost being for answers to his misogyny, sexism, anti-Semitism, his fear and hatred of his own sexual yearnings. One wonders: were his personal neuroses the price exacted for the scholarly excellence of this saint whose heirs we of today are?