Answers at the bottom of the page
1.   What is Robbie's full date of birth?
2.   What tattoo did Robbie get first?
3.   What high school did Robbie go to?
4.   When Robbie was drinking, what did he call his two fish?
5.   What was the name of Robbie's first mangager?
6.   What football team does Robbie suport?
7.   How did Robbie get the scar on his head?
8.   What was the first song Robbie released as a solo artist?
9.   What is Rob planning to call his first baby?
10.   What is Robbie's sister called?
Name that song...
1.  l'm not expecting your sympathy, but you all mean too much to me
2.   l guess even the son of God gets it hard sometimes
3.   Queen bitch, eat the rich
4.   lt's hard to be humble, when you're so fucking big
5.   lf l ever hurt you, your revenge will be so sweet
6.   Give no head, no backstage passes
7.   l'm getting to grips with what you said
8.   Love and only love will set you free
9.   Who came third in WW2
10.  The reason l'm doing you is cause your friend said no
1.   February 13th 1974
2.   Celtic cross on leg
3.   St. Margaret Ward
4.   Vodka and Tonic
5.   Nigel Martin Smith
6.   Port Vale
7.   He was drunk and jumped into a fountain in a hotel...which had no water in it....
8.   Freedom
9.   Sunny
10.   Sally

Name that song...
1.   Monsoon
2.   Jesus in a Camper Van
3.   Hot Fudge
4.   Handsome Man
5.   Come Undone
6.   Rock DJ
7.   Sexed Up
8.   Love Somebody
9.   l Tried Love
10.  Forever Texas