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After a few more clues, Robert figures out that Grant is in fact working for Sean and that he was one of the men at the Brownstone the night of the mugging. Sean of course was the other. Robert goes to see Anna at her hotel room and fill her in.
Anna: You don't like this, do you? Robert: I hate it! My wife! My two best friends! I'm just trying to count my losses. Anna: I know. I know. Robert: No law about the clock, is there? Anna: No. Robert: Stopping it dead? Anna: No. Life just doesn't work that way. Robert: I want to walk away from all this. Anna: Can you? Robert: No. I guess not. Anna: Look. You've just got to see it through. No matter what the outcome is. That's the only way that you can get on with your life. Robert: No matter who gets hurt? Anna: No matter who. I know this from personal experience. (Robert stares at her in silence) Robert you know I'm right. Robert: I'm tired Anna. I'm just too bloody tired to really care anymore. The Scene fades... then returns. Robert and Anna go to the pullman car and come across Grant. They sneak up on him. Robert (with gun extended) Nice and easy. Keep your hands right where I can see them. Get up slow. (to Anna) Alright, why don't you help our friend in his search. I can't wait to see what he found. (Anna starts looking) Anna: (looks around for a bit) Well there's nothing. Nothing. Grant: (surprised) What? Anna: Yeah. There's nothing under the trap door. Grant: Damn! Robert: Alright. Let's start at the beginning. Now I know you took the treasure. I want to know how you did it and where it is. The scene fades out... then returns. Robert: Where's the treasure? Grant: Under those trap doors. At least it was. I saw him put it there! Anna: Sean? Grant: Yes! He sold me out! Robert: What kind of a game are you playing, Grant? Alright, now I want answers and I want them fast. How long have you been involved with Sean and the treasure? Grant: I had it in my grasp! Robert: You better talk Grant. It's your only way out of this. Grant: I fell for it. I played right into his hands! Anna: Well it's happened to others. Robert: He was once my friend. My best friend. Grant: He's betrayed everyone? Robert: All of us. Now. You still want to protect him? Grant: Hell no! (He pauses in thought) You giving me a way out, Robert? Robert: Yes. Grant: It fell into my lap. Robert: The treasure? Grant: I didn't go after it. I found it. You want the details?" Robert: Not now. I want to know how you got involved with Donely. Grant: The day I found the treasure, I realized Sean was a thief. I told myself there was nothing wrong with stealing from a thief. Anna: But Grant, to risk your career as a doctor? Robert: I'd like an answer to that myself. Grant: I'd do anything to get Celia back. It's not easy to lose someone you love. Robert: You talking about Celia? Grant: Robert, I've never given up hope of getting her back. That hope is the only thing that's kept me going from day to day. And I needed money. Robert: I understand it, I just can't condone it. Look, is this some sort of a big play for sympathy? And since when does losing your wife mean that you can go out and steal from somebody else? Grant: You're missing the point. Robert: I get the point. Anna: Look, I don't think Celia would be very happy to think that she'd driven you to this. Robert: It'd be a cop out. Grant: It was the only solution I saw to my problem. Robert: You've given yourself a bigger problem. Grant: Robert, you asked me why I did it. I'm trying to explain. Robert: Alright, keep going. Now that the shock's worn off, I'm fascinated. Grant: You still don't understand, do you? Robert: I understand. I just can't condone your actions. Grant: (frustrated) I'm not asking you to condone it. I saw the millions at my fingertips as a way of competing with Jimmy Lee financially. Do you know, as I say this, I realize I'm saying that Celia only cares about money and that's not true. My thinking is so fouled up. I don't know what I'm trying to say. Robert: Grant, we're each of us losers here. Each in his own way. Anna: Yes, Grant we are. Robert: Grant? Grant (upset and losing focus on the situation) What? Robert: We want to get this treasure back to Mexico. But more important, we want to get Donely. Now that's where we're coming from. Are you in? Grant: I'm surprised you trust me, Robert. Robert: Sometimes you have to gamble. Grant: Alright. Well here's something I can do with a show of confidence. I uh, I lied to you about that bag you found (in his room) I had it left over from my days with the DVX. I have a tape of the both of you with Sean. Robert: I know. Grant: You know? Anna: Yes. Grant: Okay. I also have copies of that tape. I want you to have them. They're back at my apartment. Robert: Not when I searched there. Grant: Search again. I keep moving them. Robert: Where about? Grant: They're hidden behind a picture directly opposite the window. Robert (shakes his hand and smiles) You're in. Grant: Thanks. Anna (shakes his hand too) We need you Grant. |
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