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Robert and Anna go down to the docks to question some warehouse workers after an attempt on Tony's life was made at Kelly's during Frisco's birthday party. Slater was killed instead. Although Robert and Anna saw Sean shoot him, there was a second bullet found in Slater's body left by an unkown assailant.

Robert: You were unloading on the docks when Jack Slater got shot outside Kelly's?

Dockworker:  I heard gunfire, yeah.

Robert:  What did you do?

Dockworker:  Kept unloading the ship. What else? You mind your own business around here, you don't get hurt.

Robert:  Well did you see anything going on? Maybe someone even in passing carrying a gun?

Dockworker:  I didn't see nothing.

Robert: (takes out money) Maybe this will help jog your memory.

Dockworker: (takes the money)  I saw a man go by me, yeah. Maybe.

Robert:  What did he look like?

Dockworker:  Who knows? But he was carrying a gun.

Robert:  Come on, Anna.

Anna: (to the dockworker)  Thank you.

Dockworker: (waving the money)  Thank you.

(The unknown gunman walks behind Robert and Anna but they don't see him. He goes over to a trash can and takes a hidden gun out of it. He goes to leave without being noticed but Robert sees him and starts to go after him)

Robert:  Hey you on the dock! Hey, police! You!  (Robert and Anna take off after him and he shoots at them. Robert throws Anna to the ground, and shields her till the shooting stops. When the coast is clear, they both sit on the ground looking up at each other)  You alright?

Anna: (a little frightened) Yeah. (Robert helps her sit up and while he holds her, they stare at each other until Robert is moved to kiss her but she stops him. She shakes her head.)  No. No more lies.  (She slowly peels the scar off her face)  The scene fades out… then returns.

Robert: (the look on his face is frightening- he looks as if he's been betrayed yet again) Oh, it's one lie after another! It never ends with you does it?

Anna:  No! (She starts crying) No!

Robert:  Have you ever told me the truth about anything? Ever?

Anna:  Just let me explain!

Robert: Why? So that you could make up another story? You're nothing but a compulsive liar!

Anna:  Robert, I hated this deception.

Robert: (disgusted)  Not as much as I…

Anna: (grabs his arm)  Please! Listen to me!

Robert:  I've gotta hand it to you. A phony scar. That's at least original. Was this some sort of a big push for sympathy?

Anna: (hurt)  That's not why I did it.

Robert:  You'be been trying to tighten the screws on me ever since we met.

Anna: (shocked by his words)  That's not true!

Robert:  Oh what a fool I was to believe you! How many times does a man have to get burned before he realizes you're as phony as your scar. (He turns to leave and she steps in front of him)

Anna:  I did it for a penance. That was my only way I knew of dealing with what I had done.

Robert:  You know, I've heard some pretty wild stories in my time, but that's the winner. Why couldn't you think of something else? You must have a busload of lies hidden away somewhere.

Anna:  It's not a story. Look, after all the operations and skin grafts, my face was finally mended. But not the scars inside. No one else could see them but I could feel them.

Robert:  If this is another push for sympathy you're wasting your breath.

Anna:  Please. If I could have shown the world my soul, I gladly would have. It had the marks of my betrayal to my friends, to my country, but above all to the man that I loved. That's why I wore the scar. So no other man would ever want me. My scarlet letter.

Robert:  So why'd you take it off? Is the penance over?

Anna:  Yeah. I thought it might have been. If you could just look at me once more the way you used to. Or if you could kiss me, knowing what I was and the way I looked. I thought some of the guilt might disappear.

Robert:  Your guilt's on the inside, Anna. Nothing can ever remove that. You have to live with yourself forever. All the disguises on this earth won't disguise you from yourself. (He walks away and leaves her crying)

Anna:  Robert, it's the truth!!!
© Mazzy Dezynz, Inc. 2006