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Robert finds Bronson (the DVX boss) and learns the truth about Anna and why she did what she did. They meet on the docks after he calls her to ask if they could talk.

Robert: Thank you for meeting me.

Anna: Robert. (He goes to touch her scar and she flinches.) Don't!

Robert: I know the truth Anna.

Anna: How?

Robert: I tracked down a man by the name of Bronson.

Anna: From the DVX?

Robert: Yes. He gave me the whole story. (He stops and shakes his head) Why? Why didn't you tell me when you were in that hospital room... that you did what you did to save my life?

Anna: You went all the way to Ottawa to talk to Bronson about me?

Robert: That's right.

Anna: Why?

Robert: I needed to find out the truth and you weren't gonna give it to me.

Anna: I couldn't.

Robert: Why?

Anna: Would you have believed me if I had told you? (Robert looks down) No. You wouldn't have believed me.

Robert: You can't blame me. I mean, let's face it... after all that happened.

Anna: I suppose not.

Robert: But if only you'd told me the truth after the accident. Why didn't you tell me when you were in the hospital?

Anna: I couldn't. Your face in the hospital room...

Robert: I thought you had betrayed me.

Anna: I had, in a way, hadn't I?

Robert: You didn't tell me the whole story.

Anna: Well, the fact remains I was a double agent and I was so afraid that was gonna come between us. That you'd never trust me again.

Robert: You should have taken the chance.

Anna: Perhaps.

Robert: If only you'd told me.

Anna: Things could have been so different. But my life changed anyway just meeting you.

Robert: (smiles) Me too.

Anna: In some ways, I'm sure, but not in others.

Robert: What?

Anna: Well you always struck me as someone who was always sure of himself, where he was going and where he belonged. I wasn't.

Robert: You never came across that way to me.

Anna: Inside I was so insecure, always. But I was certain about you and that we should be together. Marrying you was about the surest thing I ever did in my whole life. It's ironic really.

Robert: What is?

Anna: Well that you should find out the truth now when there's nothing either of us can do about it. You have another wife now Robert. Go home to her. Go home to her now before we both say things we have no right to say or feel.

Even though he doesn't want to leave her- because you can see it in his face-he goes anyway. The scene ends, then returns later. Robert goes back to the docks to see Anna again.

Robert: I can't go home to Holly just yet.

Anna: Why?

Robert: She knows something's wrong.

Anna: Haven't you told her about us?

Robert: How?

Anna: Just tell her.

Robert: I'm not sure I want to or know how. How does a woman deal with something like this?

Anna: I don't know. I don't know how I would react. I would try to understand.

Robert: She's been wonderful lately considering my behavior.

Anna: You know I'm really jealous of her... and hurt too.

Robert: Why hurt?

Anna: I didn't think you'd marry again. I just didn't think you'd do it.

Robert: Neither did I. I spent seven years hating you for what you did to me. I was sure I would never want to marry again.

Anna: Then why did you?

Robert: Various reasons. It started out as a marriage of convenience. She needed a friend. So did I.

Anna: Yeah. (She pause) There's something I must know.

Robert: What?

Anna: Well, didn't you marry her out of love?

Robert: Don't get me wrong. I love Holly very much.

Anna: But is it the same love as what we had?

Robert: You're two different people. It's a different sort of love.

Anna: Yeah. (She smiles) It helps to hear that, you know. The divorce for me was so difficult. Our marriage was sacred. I never wanted another man or another marriage. I loved you. (She pauses) Tell me something Robert. Did you love me the same way?

Robert: (big smile) You know I did.
© Mazzy Dezynz, Inc. 2006