CHEM102 General Chemistry Examination
2003 - Robert J. O’Reilly
Total marks = 113
Time allowed = 2 hours
Please do not open this examination until you have been instructed to do so by the supervisor, an additional data table has been provided, make sure you have this data booklet prior to starting this examination.
SECTION A; Inorganic Chemistry
A1.) Place these oxoacids in order of strength, STRONGEST to WEAKEST. Explain briefly how you came up with your answer to this question. (2 Marks)
A2.) Place all the relevant data on the following Born-Haber cycle to calculate the Lattice enthalpy of NaCl. (3 Marks)
A3.) What would be the co-ordination number of LiBr using the Radius/Ratio rule? (1 mark)
Radius/Ratio rule boundaries
>0.71 = 8:8 Cubic
0.43-0.71 = 6:6 Octahedral
<0.43 = 4:4 Tetrahedral
A4.) Use bond enthalpy data and relative efficiency of Pp-Pp bonding to explain why N2 is a gas with a NºN bond at room temperature, whereas, Phosphorus is a network solid made up of entirely single bond interactions. (3 marks)
A5.) What Three factors affect the relative size of Do of an octahedral transition metal complex? (3 marks)
A6.) What is the value of Do of an octahedral Transition metal complex if the measured wavelength of light passing through is 478nm? Express your answer in x kJ mol-1 (2 marks)
A7.) Why do Transition metal complexes adopt such ‘handsome’ colours, explain how this colouring arises. (2 marks)
A8.) Name each of these ligands as chelating, monodentate, or polydenate ligands; (4 marks)
A9.) Write balanced chemical equations for the following; (3 marks)
i.) Reaction of CO2 and NH3 to form Urea;
ii.) Reaction of CH4(g) and H2O(g) to form H2(g);
iii.) Reaction of NaH with EtOH;
Section B; Physical Chemistry
B1.) What simple graphical tests can you perform to deduce whether a reaction is zero, first and second order; (3 marks)
B2.) Calculate the Half time of a First order reaction, in which the rate constant (k) = 4.5 x 10-4 mol-1 s-1 (1 mark)
B3.) Calculate the pH of 0.045mol L-1 H3PO4 solution, pKa(1) = 2.18 (4 marks)
B4.) Calculate the Activation Energy for a reaction with the following data; (2 marks)
Temperature: |
Rate constant: |
298K |
1.2 x 10-5 |
398K |
1.2 x 10-3 |
B5.) For the reaction,
C2H5OH + 3O2 = 2CO2 + 3H2O
Predict whether the entropy (DS) will be a negative or positive value, comment on how you reached your answer. (4 marks)
B6.) Calculate DS; given that DH = 56kJ mol-1 and DG = 32kJ mol-1, and the reaction was carried out at 298K (2 marks)
B7.) What is an ‘adiabatic’ process, in the Thermodynamic sense? (2 marks)
B8.) What is a ‘state function’? Give 2 examples of state functions
(3 marks)
B9.) What is the difference between EACT and DU, use an energy vs. reaction diagram to illustrate what you mean; (3 marks)
SECTION C: Organic Chemistry
C1.) Assign names for the following compounds; (8 marks)
C2.) Draw structures for the following compounds; (8 marks)
i.) cis-1-chloro-2-methyl-cyclopentane
ii.) Thiophene
iii.) (Z)-but-2-ene
iv.) Cyclohexanone
v.) (E)-dimethylcyclopropane
C4.) Organic Syntheses and schemes; devise synthetic routes for making the following substances out of the precursors which I have given you, you may use any reagents which you know of and you can use as many steps as you like. (20 marks)
C5.) What are the differences and similarities with Sn1 and Sn2 reactions? (3 marks)
C6.) Which one of these species would react fastest in an Sn2 reaction? WHY? (4 marks)
i.) 1-chloropropane or 2-chloropropane?
ii.) 2-bromohexane or 2-bromo-2-methyl-cyclobutane?
iii.) Iodohexane or Bromohexane
C7.) Why must you add a source of H+ when you perform an esterification reaction with a carboxylic acid and an alcohol, but you don’t need to when you react an acyl chloride (Acid chloride) with an alcohol? (2 Marks)
C8.) Draw an energy vs. reaction graph for an Sn1 reaction mechanism and label all the points on the graph. (5 marks)