- This semester I scheduled an eight o'clock class, I don't know what the hell I was thinking. My roommate continued to sleep in peacefully as I plowed through the old underwear and obstacles throughtout our room en route to my early-bird class. What I've learned from this experience is that no matter how prepared you are for class, if you fall asleep in class you look like a complete idiot.

- I love watching this one girl in my eight o'clock class who is never awake. She comes into the room, sits down and lays her head down on the desk for two hours. I don't think anyone knows what her name is or even if she's enrolled in the class, hopefully my participation grade will be higher then hers.

- My poli. sci. teacher is a freaking genious! This guy has like three PhD's but still can't figure out how to use the VCR, everytime we have a video to watch he curses technology and has someone in the class do it. Just hit play tard!

- Why would anyone want to be an RA? Your one job is to tell kids 'no.' Who in the hell wants to do this? Than they try to hang out with you and be your friend, I don't know you, I don't even like you, go away.

- The greatest thing about living in the dorms are the commual showers, the boys roam the halls in their towels with their chests puffed out while the girls scatter to the bathroom with a towel on there head like Marge Simpson. I have about twelve guys on my hall and one of them is a dirty little fuc*er, he never flushed the damn toilet or cleaned out the sink we he brushed his teeth, I hate that kid.

- I've come into the toilet seat habit. If you've lived in the dorms you know how it is. First you wipe the seat down with some toilet paper, than you lay that crappy piece of paper over the seat and than you take your seat. Like that piece of paper is going to stop you from getting roids.

- My shower has two tempatures, super cold, and super hot. You'd think by now they would have figured to fix this problem, and whenever someone else is in the bathroom and flushes the toilet, you have to do the little shower dance, trying to avoid the one million degree water from hitting your back while never touching the walls of the shower stall in fear of something done earlier that day.

- My room mate is constantly hooking up with girls! And being the nice guy that I am I end up talking to them the morning after about there plans for the day, the other day this girl woke up wearing my shirt and my boxers. She leaved wearing my shirt and my boxers. My roommate owes me some stuff now.

- Which brings me to dry erase boards. What the hell is up with these things? And why does everyone in the hall steal each others pens? Is there some sort of underground pen selling ring going on at UOP? Fuc* me, I should just buy an etch-a-sketch and mount it to the door.

- Why do drunk kids feel the need to tell you how drunk they are? I know you're drunk I can smell you from here, stay away. You staggering over here to tell me how much you love me isn't goiing to change anything. And why is there always that one kid with his head outside the window of the lounge booting all over the place, "Just say no!"

- I don't understand the need to wear your sorotity or frat sweater every Monday, Wendsday and Friday. We all get it, your in the frat/sorority, good job. Don't you realize the only reason people go to your parties are to get drunk and hook up with girls?

- Do you find it difficult when your mother calls at seven AM on a Friday morning asking you, 'what ya up to.' 'Well mom I was up to sleeping, but now I'm talking to you.'

- One thing I've learned from Aaron Karo is that college is a joke. Don't take what your teachers say seriously or anything for that matter, for all you know I'm a 34 year old housewife poseing as a 20 year old student, go out and ride your bike.

- Kent Matson once said the most prolific words I've ever heard from a student. 'I HATE SCHOOL,' rawk on Kent, rawk on.

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