GWF Members cont.
Erin, her father, her mother, and her sister Carolyn at Disneyland.  What a great time was had by all.
My Name is Erin Barnard and I was born in Denver, Co.  When I was five we moved to Yankton, South Dakota.  I have been homeschooled since kindergarten.  To me homeschooling is a wonderful way to really know your family.  I could not have asked for better parents and my sister, Carolyn, is my best friend.  I have been blessed to come from a Christian family and we attend Harvest Independent Baptist Church.

I love cats and have an ornery one by the name of Tigger.  My hobbies include reading, making and collecting miniatures, and some writing.
Erin at Disneyland in front of the restaurant Ranchero del Zocalo.
I discovered Zorro at a hotel when I was about fourteen.  My parents remembered watching the show when they were younger so I became interested.  In no time I was recording Zorro by night and watching it the next day.  It was then I learned the true benefits of the rewind button!  You can guess how long it took me to watch it!  I couldn't get enough of Guy Williams as Zorro and was disappointed to find out there were only 78 episodes.  But how wonderful those 78 episodes are!  When I finally had access to the Internet I was so surprised to find people that were as crazy as I was about WD Zorro!  You all in the GWF are some of the nicest people on this earth!  You brighten my day by your fun posts.  Thank you all and if you ever are in South Dakota  PLEASE visit!  I'd love to meet you!
         Erin Barnard
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My name is Gail Manfre and I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana on August 27, l952.  My husband, Joseph GioacchinoManfre, and I have been happily married for almost 25 years.
Although we do not have any children, we have several nieces and a nephew whom we continue to spoil outrageously.
I have a B.A. in History with honors (Magna Cum Laud) from the University of New Orleans, Class of l974.  Joe and I now live in the Slidell area which is northwest of New Orleans across Lake Ponchartrain.
My husband Joe plays classical guitar and my hobbies are collecting Star Trek and Zorro memorabilia.  I am also a rabid Beatles fan.
Joseph is fluent in Italian and speaks some Spanish.  I speak moderately well in Sicilian (Italian dialect), some French, Spanish and my German is horrendous!!
I fell in love with Guy Williams/Zorro in l957 at the age of five and he shall remain forever in my heart.
Color me semper Guy!
Gail Manfre