I'd like to come right out and admit it. I suffer from an almost uncontrollable addiction. I say almost uncontrollable because my bank account has an uncanny way of controlling it for me. My addiction is to shopping. It doesn't matter really what I'm shopping for because the thrill for me comes from the challenge of searching for the absolute best price and the best overall value of just about anything. Of course I'm most particularly fond of shopping for shoes and clothes as most females are, but I also like shopping for cars, electronics, furniture, food, even toothpaste. Anything I can shop around for and comparison shop for. I ocasionally virtual shop while I'm on the internet, but that kind of shopping doesn't give you that special reach out and touch feature. I like to get to know my purchases before I actually purchase them. That helps me to get a feeling of ownership. Of course I will give you a listing of my favorite spots on the web to do my shopping.
I intend to add more shopping links in the near future.
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