Life would seem simple. you wake up each new day and breathe. Life is in the breath and the blood. Could anything be more effortless? Alas, Life is not all it would seem. We find ourselves lost in the complexity of where we wish to be in the maelstrom. Some would desire for Life to freeze itself in the coldness of its manner. Others yearn for Life to rush by with an alacrity that would snatch all remembrance of the past and awareness of eternity. Few are reconciled to the abstruseness of Life and it is uncommon to discover someone who is satisfied while in the midst of it. For Life is much more than living. Life itself is a living, breathing creation seeking every way possible to muddle the minds of its victoms. The one who seeks to control Life should be wary of his steps. A snare may wait hidden from the swaggering fool. Cautious is the one who aspires to life Life. He considers all that lies before him with wisdom and heeds the voices of those who have gone before him. would seem simple, but that is only one crafty twist in its sadistic nature.
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