What SI is
Self-injury can be for many reasons. Here is a list of many for why people SI and some ways it is done. All these reasons and ways do not apply in every single case, but usually some of these are true for SIers.
*SI can be in the forms of cutting, burning, hitting, bruising, hair pulling, intervention with wound healing, banging head against walls and even in extreme cases breaking bones and cutting off body parts.

*SI can be to ease tension and stress

*To be able to feel something. Many self-injurers feel numb. They can't cry, can't smile and so they cut. It provides assurance than they haven't lost all ability to feel.

*To express anger at someone or themselves.

*To punish themselves for something they did or think they did.

*Trying to express pain that they feel they cannot talk about or cannot find the words for.

*Measuring the pain inside with the wounds outside. The worse the emotional turmoil the deeper or worse the injury.

*Continuing abuse that may be in their past.

*To have a sense of control. They can't control anything in their life so they cut because it something they feel in control of.

*To obtain a sort of high.
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