secret shame
An excellent site. Provides information on cutting for SIers and their families. I strongly reccomend this site for anyone dealing with SI.
secret pain
A site with many links for SI and suicide.
Professional leaflet on SI
ragdolls candlelit tunnel
A very safe non-triggering site for SI. Includes her husband's reaction to her SI. A very good read!
the cutter's hangout
Lots of poetry and personal stories. Could be considered triggering..
Self-injury and related issues. A UK site. Includes message boards, poetry and articles on SI.
Ruin your life
Good site, but can be very triggering. Includes photos, artwork, poetry, song lyrics and a message board.
what to do
What you can do to help someone who is suicidal.
back to home
Zjam Zboard
Christian message board with many topics including SI, eating disorders and other topics. You can ask youth pastors question here.
Excellent site. Includes stories, art, a message board and info about SI. Another site I highly reccomend!
Links that have nothing to do with SI