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These are some of the poems I wrote during my depression. Many may be triggering so stay safe.
Fear is flying, falling over me
Chasing away the strength that was free
Now I see as my dreams are undone
For now I know what I have become
Fear is flying, falling through my mind
Tries to erase or put in chains and bind
All the thoughts that once were my life
Now are emptied by anger and strife
Fear is flying, falling through my soul
Tearing everything that once was whole
Forever gone are the days of peace
Never will the pain and sorrow cease
Fear is flying, falling in my heart
Flinging my love and I apart
Always I long to find him again
I fear I am to lost in my anger and sin
Prayer for life
Haunted eyes reveal my pain
Empty lies cause my shame
Brokeness is in my heart
As this darkness tears my mind apart
I get on my knees and pray for life
In hopes that you can end the strife
Falling forward on my face
As I beg for you to send your grace
Every day there is endless sorrow
Each new day is never tomorrow
Fearful scars still remain
Pour out your freedom like the rain
All these chains that hold me down
I'm not one who'll receive a crown
I've resigned myself to the dark of night
Now so used to my blinded sight
What jewel could lie beneath this skin
When fear is all that is within
Falling, fearing forevermore
As pain's sharp nails find my core
Is this all I'll ever be
With these demons tormenting me
Looking for truth that doesn't hide
That will heal all these tears I've cried
Can you hear my desperate cries
Why do I believe these lies
This darkness consumes me whole
As it eats away my heart and soul
Find me, take me, free my mind
Take away these fears that bind
Erase all that is untrue
Make my life useful to you
You're standing in my doorway
Please, let me stay asleep
Would you find it strange
This rest is refreshing and deep
I'm dreaming of who I spoke with
They're realizing their fatal mistake
And instead of telling my lies
They're helping me for my sake
The world is at peace and so am I
In this dream I'm not falling
We're everything we should have been
And we've fulfilled our calling
I wish this dream was reality
Would you want to wake from this
I cannot open my eyes yet
Don't waken me with a kiss
She cuts
Begging for acceptance
dying for a change
she's hurting herself
to hide the constant pain
Day finds her by the window
with the blinds always drawn
At night she asks why she lives
and cries till early dawn
Constant fear aches inside
Anger and so much more
Forcing herself to stand
she quickly locks the door
Turning to fight this struggle
she gives in to the desire
Watching the blood run
she sinks into the mire
She always deepens the pain
till her heart pounds in the gash
She's numb to the world
and she wants another slash
She doesn't know the reason
caught in this never ending phase
what will it take to wake her
from her pain filled daze
They say this pain will end
They say they'll be there for me
They say it's around the bend
They say soon I will see
Today I tried to talk to him
Today he ignored my cry
Today everything is so dim
Today I didn't even try
Hope tells me to hold on
Hope chooses friends
Hope for me is gone
Hope is all he sends
Tomorrow they say to watch for
Tomorrow will heal my pain
Tomorrow eats at my core
Tomorrow take me beyond insane
Do you remember the day I told you
What did you think - what did you feel
Did you wonder why you knew
Could you believe what I said was real
Did you try to untangle my mind
Did you count the tears I cried
What do you think I'll find
When I've reached the other side
Satan's control
Shaking me, breaking me
These thoughts are in my head
Beating me, leaving me
See how much I've bled
Hating me, caging me
Am I to belive you'll depart
Slaving me, craving me
Devouring my heart
Look me in the eyes
So I can see your lies
Exult over damage done
Break me, make me run
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