This is another issue that I believe is overlooked far too much. I came close to attempting suicide many times. I began to slit my wrists once, but I was too afraid to actually go through with it. Sadly, many times this is not the case and people kill themselves. Below I've included some reasons why people commit suicide and some ways to educate yourself on the subject.
Depression, feelings of  lonliness, helplessness and hopelessness.
These can be brought on by many different things including, but not limited to what is listed below.

*Death of loved one

*Low self-esteem

*Divorce of parents


*Drugs and alcohol

*Failure to please parents/friends/opposite sex

*Bad coping skills and little support
Why do people kill themselves?
Suicide warning signs.
*Previous suicide attempts

*Offhand statements such as "I'd be better off dead", "I can't take it anymore", "Everyone would be better off if I wasn't here" and "I wish I could just go to sleep and never wake-up again"

*Making arrangements for family members and material items

*Continually talking about death and anything related to death

*Has been diagnosed with depression

*Has a self-destructive mind-set
What do you know about suicide?
Feeling suicidal now?
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