The Intellectual Property of Fruits

When an artist woos a model, short of tickling her toes,
He may offer wine and cheese and grapes in barter for a pose.
But the ACLU feminists assert, with nary a leer,
That the issue of such practices can ruin a girl's career.
And so, instead of food and drink, she must be reimbursed
With royalties residual and coin to fill her purse.

So far, so good -- the benefits of contracts are well known.
But activists for rights can never leave a thing alone.
Your dog, who plays a dog in someone's pet projet ciné,
Must not be simply warehoused in a kennel every day.
Its bank account, though held in trust, must fast accumulate
An income any movie star of human breed would rate.

In these enlightened times, of course, we understand that beasts
Appreciate the luxury of gourmet, catered feasts.
As such, it is conceivable that their preferred decor
Might well include a still-life celebrating food-groups-four.
But if you are the artist, it behooves you to be sure
Your vegetative models lie in beds deluxe du jour

And so, when next you feature fruit in marble, paint, or tapes,
Ask permission of the apples and pay royalties to the grapes.

Copyright 2000 Robin Hilp

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