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This Is A Quiz On How Well You Know Me!
Good luck!

1) What's my favorite song?
a) 24/7
b) In the still of the night
c) Get it on tonite
d) All of them

2) What's my favorite book?
a) The Hobbit
b) Lord Of The Rings
c) Catcher In The Rye
d) Lord Of The Flies

3) I chipped my front tooth
a) In a swimming pool
b) Playing Basket-ball
c) In a fight
d) I fell out of a tree

4) I have a scar on
a) My index finger
b) My back
c) My neck
d) My right leg

5) My birthday is on
a) May,14/1982
b) May,17/1983
c) May,12/1983
d) May,24/1982

6) My favorite tea is
a) Green leaf tea
b) The kinds in bags
c) Bubble tea
d) I don't like tea

7) I love
a) Swimming
b) Falling
c) Climbing
d) Skating

8) What am I?
a) Filipino
b) Chinese
c) Spanish
d) All Of Them

9) One of my group names is
a) invasion
b) inv*asion
c) inv*asian
d) inv-asian

10) My favorite Number is
a) 7
b) 14
c) 31
d) 17

11) I like
a) Cars
b) Boats
c) Airplanes
d) Motorcycles

12) How tall am I?
a) 5'9
b) 6
c) 5'8
d) 5'7

13) I'm left handed
a) True
b) False

14) What's my favorite Card Game?
a) Tong Its
b) Posoy Doce
c) Signal
d) Crazy Eight Count Down

15) What's my favorite drink?
a) Nestea Iced Tea
b) Shirly Temple
c) French Vanilla
d) Sprite

16) Favorite Asian Drink
a) Halo Halo
b) Sago
c) Greenleaf Tea
d) Tea with Lemon and Caliman-C

17) Ice
a) Cubed
b) Crushed

18) My worst feeling is
a) Pain
b) Lonliness
c) Defeat
d) Illness

19) What do I wish to be?
a) Doctor
b) Writer
c) Actor
d) Computer Programmer

20) What do I wear to bed?
a) Sando (tank) and Boxers
b) Boxers
c) PJ's
d) The clothes that I was wearing

21) I collect
a) Cards
b) Stones
c) Pop tabs
d) All of them

22) What do I have on my ceiling?
a) Stars
b) Streamers
c) Lais
d) Hats

23) I don't
a) Scubba Dive
b) Kayak/Cannoe
c) Tree/IceWall/Rock Climb
d) Dirt Bike Races

24) Favorite game character
a) Link
b) Mario
c) Squall
d) Ryu

25) Where do I go to think the most?
a) My roof
b) A forest
c) On an open field
d) In bed

Are You Ready?


1) What's my favorite song?
All of them

2) What's my favorite book?
Catcher In The Rye

3) I chipped my front tooth
In a swimming pool

4) I have a scar on
My index finger

5) My birthday is on

6) My favorite tea is
Bubble tea

7) I love

8) What am I?
All Of Them

9) One of my group names is

10) My favorite Number is

11) I like

12) How tall am I?

13) I'm left handed

14) What's my favorite Card Game?

15) What's my favorite drink?
Nestea Iced Tea

16) Favorite Asian Drink
Halo Halo

17) Ice

18) My worst feeling is

19) What do I wish to be?

20) What do I wear to bed?
Sando (tank) and Boxers
or Boxers

21) I collect
All of them

22) What do I have on my ceiling?

23) I don't
Dirt Bike Races

24) Favorite game character

25) Where do I go to think the most?
My roof

Thanks For Playing

If you got 25 Then you really know me
If you got 21-24 That's really good
If you got 15-20 That's what I expect for most
If you got 10-14 It's still kewl
If you got 5-10 Umm... you don't know me too well
If you got 0-4 ... Do I know you? Or are you just passing by?

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Sum Thoughts...

Sumtimes, I just wanna give up... look around n nothin makes sense; no matter wut I do, its a no-win situation... Sumtimes I just wanna know y... even tho I know I`ll never get an answer... so random... things come into ur life... good... bad... conufusing??? Don`t let the hard times get to ya, don`t take the good times for granted, don`t question things that don`t have an answer, don`t take it personally when ur just one stranger among many... sum have it easier, sum take it harder, sum deal wit it,sum avoid it, sum love it, sum leave it, sumtimes ya just wanna f*ck it n walk away... Sumtimes if I really look at it, I see somethin` else... Sumtimes the sheit we go thru in our lives r just blessings indisguise... givin` us a lil` push to grow as a person, to accept wut we dont understand, to figure out ourselves, to figure THIS out...


What you see is what you get? That`s not all I am... If you think that`s who I am, how I live, how I think, then sorry for the disappointement... I am more than my ditzy comments, my clothes, my jokes and my party-habits... Go past the image n see what`s really inside n maybe you`ll see the real me... maybe you`ll be surprised with what u find... Maybe you won`t judge me from what you hear or what you think you see...

I don`t have the perfect model body
I don`t have the most beautiful eyes
I don`t have that celebrity smile
I don`t have the best sense of style
I don`t have tons of money
I don`t have the highest IQ
I don`t always walk with my headheld up high
I don`t always do what`s right
I don`t always make the right decisions
Or say the right things at the right times
I do mean well
I`m not heartless and yes, I DO care
Even if people think otherwise
I try to learn from my mistakes
I try not to blurt out dumbs things,
hurt people`s feelings, make stupid mistakes, cause problems
in not only my life, but in others`
Breaks my heart to see someone else shed tears
Kills me when someone sez the slightest comment about me
I care, whether I show it or not...
I`m not perfect, I know it
And maybe sumday that`ll be good enuf for someone else
Sumday someone else might see all my flaws
And not have to accept them
Because that is wut they`ll luv about me
Just as I am...

Someone tell me why...

Why do people try to act like other?

Why should I care what people think of me?

Why do they say "everything will be alright?" when they dont know?

Why don't we know how long we have?

Why do people have to die?

Why can't friends stay?

Why do we not think of others?

Why arn't all promises kept?

Why do some people think other'll just understand?

Why must we depend only on ourselves?

Why can't peace happen on earth?

Why don't we remmember dreams after we wake up?

Why can't we choose who we want to be with?

Why do we fight with loved ones?

Why shouldn't we trust our family?

Why don't we have much faith or hope?

Why is the glass have empty and not half full?

Why do we hold grudges on the ones we once cared about?


* Bad: You can't find your vibrator. * Worse: Your daughter "borrowed" it.

* Bad: You find a porn movie in your son's room. * Worse: You're in it.

* Bad: Your children are sexually active. * Worse: With each other.

* Bad: Your husband's a cross dresser. * Worse: He looks better than you.

* Bad: Your son's involved in Satanism. * Worse: As a sacrifice.

* Bad: Your wife wants a divorce. * Worse: She's a lawyer.

* Bad: Your wife's leaving you. * Worse: For another woman.

* Bad: Your wife's arrested for soliciting. * Worse: She implicates you.

* Good: Hot outdoor sex. * Bad: You're arrested. * Worse: By your husband.

* Good: The secretary said "yes." * Bad: Your wife says "no."

* Good: The teacher likes your son. * Bad: Sexually. * Worse: He's gay.

* Good: You came home for a quickie. * Bad: So did the postman.

* Good: You came home for a quickie. * Bad: Your wife walks in.

* Good: You get a three-day weekend. * Bad: You get the flu on Friday.

* Good: You get tickets to the theatre. * Bad: It's performance art.

* Good: You go to see a strip show. * Bad: Your daughter's the headliner.

* Good: Your boyfriend's exercising. * Bad: So he'll fit in your clothes.

* Good: Your car conveniently "runs out of gas." * Bad: For real.

* Good: Your child's "waiting for Mr. Right". * Bad: Your son, that is.

* Good: Your daughter's on the Pill. * Bad: She's eleven.

* Good: Your neighbor exercises in the nude. * Bad: He weighs 350 pounds.

* Good: Your son's doing extra credit work. * Bad: Making a Sex Ed video.

* Good: Your uncle leaves you a fortune. * Bad: It's counterfeit.

* Good: Your wife bought a porn video. * Bad: Your daughter's the star.

* Good: Your wife likes outdoor sex. * Bad: You live downtown.

* Good: Your wife meets you at the door nude. * Bad: She's coming home.

* Good: Your wife's kinky. * Bad: With the neighbors. * Worse: All of them.

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