page 7
Kim and Ronnie's 4th Visit
Aug. 2nd thru 20th, 2002
In the distance burning
of the fields
Mark dresses up Pnut
Ronnie's bro kickin
back with dog Buddy
Hey Nick..friend of Jon's
Mark and Ronnie's sister Norma
Papa and Pnut
Jean and Mark
As we end our 4th visit together,
We are thankful to our families and friends
who supported us with prayer and thoughts
while Ronnie was in the hospital and the ones that continue
as Ronnie begans his rehab.
Thou some may think that it clouded our visit together
we must say it most certainly did not
it strengthed, bonded, and if one could add more love then it did that too!
There's no other place Mark and I would have wanted to be
but beside Ronnie and Jean during this time
So as we put a close on our visit out here in Oregon
we leave with lasting memories and look
forward to making more next year!

Jean, Mark, Kim and Ronnie
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