Since triple loops are usually only rarely used (such as for an emergency body harness for two legs and the torso), it is not a bad idea to learn one that you can remember years down the line. The Triple Bowline fits that requirement easily. If you know the bowline, the Triple Bowline is automatic. You merely tie a bowline treating a long bight of line as a single rope. The base bowline geometry creates two loops out of the doubled-up line, and the bight at the end forms the third loop. Upon tying, it becomes immediately evident that this knot requires a large amount of rope.
If you only need to use the first two loops, pass the third loop over the other two to prevent the possibility of the bighted "end" of your bowline geometry from backsliding and coming undone. This shouldn't be called a double bowline, but you now know a triple and double loop knot for the price of knowing how to tie a bowline. |