Bill's Story
Yes, my name is Bill and I live on Long Island's South Shore.  Been there since September 1, 1979.

My house that I have lived in since 1984 has been renovated, so much so that I hardly recognize it. 

Background?  It's not the most exciting.  I have not dined with any presidents or queens, nor did I fly around the world solo.  The only exciting things that I have done are to serve in the Islip Fire Department since 1985, and to play on my employer's softball team from 2001 to June 2005.  On September 11, 2004 I went to Washington DC to participate in the Firm's East Coast Softball Challenge. The NY office played the DC office for the the North America Bragging Rights. The double header was played on the 12th and the series was split, so we share the rights with the DC office.  A good time was had by all.  Check out the web-page at:

Family consists of one wife and one daughter.

Interests include baseball, especially the minor leagues, rapid transit systems, basketball, London UK, and the Internet.

did serve in the United states Air Force from 1971 to 1975, at the tail end of the Vietnam War so I would not be considered a chicken hawk.  Rush, Ann, Patrick, and others, please take note.

Those are the Billstorical facts.

My official webpage:
Bill at a Mets game at Shea Stadium
Name: South Shore Billy
Below:  a train from London's Docklands Light Railway
Here are the logos of my 4 favorite baseball teams
Brooklyn Cyclones
Long Island Ducks
One of my favorite TV shows is the British soap opera called EastEnders
My home from 1979 to 1984
One of the famous people whom I have met, Bud Harrelson
Wheeling WV suspension bridge; Bill was here