A Tribute to Citibank Park
I went to my first ducks game over the 2000 Memorial Day weekend, and it was chilly.  The Ducks played the Aberdeen Arsenal and won.  Since my fire company had purchased season tickets that year, each member gets to go to two games a year.  Of course, I also go on my own.

On December 2001 the Ducks first manager (now coach & general manager) Bud Harrelson was signing autographs.  I also got my picture taken with him, as you can see below.

Another highlight is the annual blood drive, held at the Big Citi in the visitors' locker room.  Once the bloodsuckers do their stuff, you get a free snack and a chance to talk to the players and get autographs.

On September 10, 2005 we all went to a charity game for the benefit of an organization called QSAC (Quality Services for the Autism Cimmunity, and also for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.  The players were major league veterans and the staff from the event's sponsors.  The staff won, but nobody cared.  We all had a great time. 

The ballpark is built on the grounds of the former Central Islip Psychiatric Center, and several former hospital buildings are visible over the outfield fence.

two players, Taylor McCormack (left) and Kimera Bartee at the 2004 blood drive
Mets veteran Ron Swoboda at QSAC Game, September 2005/Cubs veteran Tony Balsamo
LI Ducks Page on Geocities
QSAC game page on Geocities
Citibank Park
3 Ducks at the 2003 blood drive
December 15, 2001: Ducks general manager/Mets legend Bud Harrelson and me at an autograph session
The Scoreboard
LI Ducks Taylor McCormack & Kimera Bartee after the 2004 Blood Drive
December 15, 2001: yours truly & Ducks GM (also former NY Met) at an autograph session
Former NY Met star Ron Swoboda and former Pittsburgh Pirate Tony Balsamo
Above: 3 Ducks after the 2003 Blood Drive; below, the scoreboard