Clifford Chance East Coast Softball Challenge
Washington DC
September 2004
Where the Games Were Held

On September 11, 2004 we left Islip to go to Washington DC for an overnight trip.  The purpose was to play in the Clifford Chance East Coast Softball Challenge to be held on September 12 at the ballfields at Ohio Drive and West Basin Drive SW.  The Firm's Washington office's team challenged the New York office's team to a best of 3 series, to be played on the ballfield at Ohio Drive and West Basin Drive SW.  But after 2 games, and each team winning one, we decided to share the bragging rights between the offices.
I also got to visit Georgetown University, the World War II Memorial, and the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial.
The Georgetown University teams are called the Hoyas, and the bulldog is the mascot.
New York and DC Players.  I am in front, 5th from right
New York Team on the Field
I am at bat for the New York team
Cheering section: daugher Eileen and wife Ellen