What People Are Doing
Copied from the society page, January, 16, 1914, "McDowell County Recorder" newspaper, Welch West Virginia.
Atty. J.J. Divine spent Sunday in Bluefield
H.L. Peeble of Cinncinnati is here this week on business.
B.L. Moorefield of Hinton is a Welch visitor this week.
Mr. John St.Clair of Tazewell stopped over in Welch, Wednesday on his way from Berwind to Gary this week.
Mr. E.L. Bradley of Vivian was a business visitor in Welch Wednesday.
J.M. Crockett and J.B. Purcell were business visitors at Princeton this week.
Attorney J.N. Harmon Jr. has returned from a ten day business trip to Hindman Kentucky.
Mrs. Harry Brook who has been threatened with pneumonia is improving very slowly.
Mrs. Mary L. Harmon attended the funeral of Mrs. Landon, at Pocahontas, last week.
Miss Katie Slaughter of Lynchburg is here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Slaughter on Water Street.
R.D. Berbheim and wife came from Charleston to attend the anniversary reception at Mr. Whyton's on the 12th.
A.Z. Litz a prominent business man of Tazewell has been transacting business in the city of Welch, a part of this week.
Mr. O.C. Huffman who was formerly located in Welch, but now located at Blockton, WVa.. was a business visitor in Welch Monday.
J.W. Luther was a business caller in Bluefield Wednesday.
Mrs. C.B. Stewart of Northfork came to the city to have her little son Joseph take treatment for appendicitis at the Welch Hospital, Friday.
O.J. Hunter of Roderfield was here the first of the week and left us an order for some of that  "Just Rite".. printing, the kind that has them all skinned when it comes to quality and price,
Dr. H. Frank Stiltner, one of the best known and most popular physicians of Wyoming Co. came to the hospital Friday to bring Mrs. Graham of Baileysville, who was suffering with a complication of troubles. It was found necessary to operate, but at last reports she was resting easy and will shortly recover. Stilner left for Davy Tuesday, after a stopover for an "old time chat" with us. and paying a subscription to a date in the future.
Ed Kelly of "Kelly Brothers Construction" Co. and P.H. Meyer, manager for the same concern, are spending some time at Mount Clement, taking the mineral baths, this being the second trip they have taken to this resort. Neither of these genlemen is a cripple, but they are soaking themselves in this water on general principles, and say they are having a good time. While in that vicinity they are making occasional visits to Detroit, which is near the bath town.
J.W. Perry, route agent for the week at Welch, for the purpose of discussing the new rates to govern express traffic which take effect the 1st of February.