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Directions for playing the Scrabble CD Rom

Via Direct IP

(Print out directions, if first time playing)(rev 6/29/99)

Finding IP address if you are Host: Changes everytime you connect to internet

In ICQ under Security & Privacy you check the box by: Web Aware - Allow users to view my online presence.
This way your IP will show each time you connect so that the other player can copy it and send to you in a message.

There are some other programs which will show you your IP# such as Canasta for Windows

For windows95 and AOL95 - "To find out your Internet address after you have connected to your ISP, click on the Start button and then click on Run. In the open box, type winipcfg. Clicking on OK runs the program and brings up a small IP configuration window with a drop-down list box. At the top, "Select PPP Adapter" if not already selected. The number listed in the IP Address box is your machine's current Internet address" (from Family PC Mag/Nov96)

Directions for connecting over the Internet:

Load your "Scrabble CD Rom by Hasbro" game and then go to "file" then "intermission" and/or use Alt+Tab for windows95 and return to chat.

Host player: will start game by opening "file" then "Start New Game" Host would put "Human" then select "here" and put there name. Then for second player: put "Human" and "Internet"; make sure "none" is selected for 3 & 4th player.

Remote player: Needs to write down hosts ip number. After Host player starts starts game, Remote player would open "file" then "join game" then click "INTERNET" (not modem)and put your name in place of "Remote" and then put host IP address (example 152.999.99.99 )in indicated spot. Hit OK, game will start.

It should be about 30 seconds to get connected; you should wait about 3 to 5 minutes, for new players who have never connected before. It will say "looking for host or remote", and when connected will say, "getting data from player 1 or 2".

On windows95 you can toggle between Scrabble, and Nancy's Chat, using "alt" + "tab"; you can practice it, to get timing down right. Use the taskbar at botton of screen to go from Nancy's Chat to Scrabble game.

Once you are connected and playing game use the "intermission" feature under "file" to go back to browser. When you use intermission feature and come back to game, you will need to "un-pause" game under "options" to get game going again.

Configuration Settings - You are using internet not modem or network; the only thing you may want to change is speed like 14 or 28 K. Leave the port numbers as is (mine shows 3000). I have not changed any of the configuration settings.

Time Limits - You may want to determine a time limit between plays before your first play. I would suggest between 2 and 5 minutes depending on level of play. Talk to your opponent. (Alt + C) brings up "chat" on the Scrabble board. You may want to chat at least once each play to make sure you are still connected.

Communication Error - On occassion during the game you may see communication errors; normally they go away quick. If it gets up to 20 times and no connection, it ends game. An internet game cannot be saved. So if you get disconnected from your opponent, you will have to start a new game.

End of Game - At end of game, if both players are stuck with letters; you both must pass 3 times in a roll to end game before winner screen comes up.

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