The Creation of the 
Angelic realms


Are not all Angels ministering spirits, 
sent forth to minister to those who will inherit salvation?
Hebrews 1:14.

In the beginning, GOD who IS Love, created out of Love, to Love, and to be Loved.  Note that LOVE is the beginning, the purpose, and the end to all things.  As nothing existed outside of GOD, GOD took from Himself and created the first beings with independent existence and consciousness outside of Himself.  We know GOD took from Himself to create life because this creative process is mirrored in man, where a man and woman come together to create new life.  The child is not created ex-nihilo (out of nothing) but is a genetic part of both parents.

For those of you who believe that life was created ex-nihilo, consider this: which reveals the Love of GOD more?  Creation out of nothing or Creation out of the self?  Creation out of the self of course.  This giving of
Himself in the creation process truly manifests the great and unsurpassing Love of GOD.

The Angelic Hosts were not created all at once.  They were created in specific order.  The Archangels were created first before everything else came into being.  These Archangels are supremely powerful.  They number no more than 10.  They laid the foundations for the rest of Creation to come into being.  In order for you to understand this better, imagine hanging up very large heavy drapes over your window.  You made the drapes but there are others there to assist you in hanging them up.  Likewise, GOD brought forth all the elements of Creation, and the Archangels put them into place.  Not because GOD needed their assistance, but because GOD wanted them to share in His work of Creation.

Archangels ~ The FIRST Manifestations

Consider the word
Arc-Angel.  An Arc can represent the beginning and the completion of a Circle.  A circle being the complete whole.  The Archangels were the beginning and the completion of GOD's Creation.  They laid the foundations and they tied all the elements and forces into a
whole.  Note also that an Arch is the most powerful architectural structure that exists in that it can support the greatest amount of weight above it.  A sphere is also the most perfect geometric shape, and the only geometric shape that can take the most amount of pressure equally from all sides.  Likewise, Archangels are the most powerful beings in Creation under GOD.

To give you some idea of how powerful Archangels are, one Archangel is equal to at least 10,000 Angels, in power, in strength, in wisdom, in knowledge.  These Archangels were the
Heavenly Princes and the Bible calls both Michael and Lucifer

Being manifestations of GOD, all the Angelic Hosts contained GOD's qualities within themselves, but the Archangels were the very FIRST manifestations of these qualities.  For example, Lucifer was the first being created as the living manifestation of GOD's Light.  As such he is called
a son of the morning - the FIRST created Angel of Light amongst many Angels of Light.  (Note: Light was the very first element that appeared in the Physical Dimension).

Internal qualities: such as Love, Kindness, Gentleness, Virtue, etc, and External qualities: such as Light, Strength, Power, Healing, etc. 
The Archangels were the FIRST Creations of these qualities.  Michael was the first Archangel to manifest GOD's quality of Power, and Lucifer was the first Archangel to manifest GOD's quality of Light.

Note the Order of Creation: both Power and Light are GOD's primary essence, but one quality is
internal and the other is external.

As GOD seated Himself in all His Glory on His Heavenly Throne, these two great Archangels stood beside Him.  These were the greatest Angels GOD ever created.  Michael, on His right, and Lucifer on His Left. 
These Angels embodied GOD's primary attributes in their very purest form: Michael, the Archangel of Power, and Lucifer, the Archangel of Light.  One being internal (Power) and the other external (Light).  These were the qualities of GOD that these two Archangels were to manifest throughout Creation.

Now please note: this does NOT mean that Lucifer did not have Power in him, or that Michael did not have Light in him.  Not at all.  ALL the Angelic Hosts had these qualities within themselves.  What I am saying is that Michael was the
first Angel to manifest the fullness of Power throughout GOD's Angelic Creation.  Lucifer was the first Angel to manifest the fullness of Light throughout GOD's Angelic Creation.

Note one very important thing here:  Since the internal precedes the external, who do you think could have defeated Lucifer?  Out of all the Angelic Hosts, ONLY Michael could have ever defeated Lucifer.  The other Angels did not even stand a chance.  Even the other Archangels did not stand a chance because Lucifer was the
Second in the Highest Order of Creation.  This is very important to understand.

Thus Lucifer is the
second in the order of Creation for two reasons:
1.  He was the living embodiment of Light which proceeded out of GOD.
2.  Power is an Internal quality, Light is External quality. 
The Internal always precedes the External, just as the Spiritual always precedes the Physical.  This is a Spiritual Principle.

These are basic Spiritual principles that apply throughout all of Creation.  You will also note that GOD always does everything in pairs.  Satan does NOT.  Satan is a solitary being.  So if someone tells you that Lucifer was GOD's greatest Archangel, they are wrong.  Lucifer was not the first, he was the second.  Michael was the first.  The name
Michael means God-like because he was the first Angel who radiated GOD's attribute of Power - by which He created all things.

Since Angels are absolute beings and project whatever they are into Creation, if an Angel sins, he sins completely and absolutely within his entire being, AND he projects ALL of that into Creation.  That is a very profound and important point.  Now Lucifer no longer radiates Light, but radiates Darkness and Defilement out of himself.

The sin of the Archangels, since they were the beginning and completion of GOD's Creation,
cannot be retracted.  In other words, an Archangel cannot undo what he has done, because that would mean undoing Creation itself.

So the fallen Angels are now the complete OPPOSITE of what God created them to be.  And what is their agenda?   To inject their fallen natures of absolute Sin into man.