Who is Satan?
was a Murderer from the beginning, not holding to the Truth,
for there is no Truth in him. When he lies, he speaks of his own
for he is a Liar and the father of Lies.
John 8:44.
If we could perceive
Satan in his true form, we would be horrified beyond words, for Satan is more horrendous
than the human mind is capable of conceiving, and more evil than the sum of ALL
the most evil
human minds in history combined. Indeed, the most evil and sadistical minds on earth,
do not even come close to the EVIL that Satan is.
The Death
of Stars
The Bible uses Stars as a metaphor for Angels. Why? If we examine
the nature of the Stars in our Universe, their properties are mirrored in the
nature of Angels. Therefore, if we examine the Death of Stars, we will
understand the process of Death within Angels.
For those who are unfamiliar with Stars and Black Holes, I recommend:
Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology
Black Holes and Neutron Stars
Note: Just
as dying Stars eject radiation, stellar wind, and heavy elements into outer
Space, so do dying Angels radiate Darkness and Defilement out of themselves.
Matter of fact, we could associate Defilement with Radiation. Radiation
is produced by radioactive decay. Likewise, Defilement is produced by
Angelic decay. Our human eyes are unable to perceive the elements of the
Supernatural, but if we could see into the Supernatural, we would
see Holiness and Defilement as real Spiritual substances.
says: ...
the Soul that
Sins will die. Ezekiel 18:4.
The fallen Angels are
decaying in the process of continual Death, that is why they radiate defilement
out of themselves. Impossible you say? Consider the human body and
it's slow progression towards death. Every day your physical body
degenerates at the cellular level. This is called Necrobiosis - the normal
series of events in a cell that leads to it's death.
If the human body degenerates while we are still alive, how much more so the
Angels who sinned yet cannot cease to exist. They are forever DYING, yet
never reaching the point of non-existence.
The difference between human decay and Angelic decay is that human decay is
assimilated into the natural Universe, while Angelic decay is NOT. Angelic
decay (defilement) is a Spiritual TOXIN. It defiles and therefore,
everything it comes into contact with.
Giger's Necronom, a good example of the Abomination Lucifer has become as SATAN.
The Embodiment of Sin
and Death
GOD is Life, and when Lucifer rejected GOD, he rejected his own life-source for
nothing can exist in a state of total separation from GOD and still retain GOD's
attributes within itself. Since GOD is complete perfection, the only way Lucifer
could go in his separation from GOD is into imperfection. Make
sense? If ALL is perfection, the only other option available is
imperfection. Satan is
therefore, the SUM of ALL imperfection to the absolute.
Just as GOD is Love, Satan is Sin.
Satan doesn't just Sin, he IS the very essence of SIN. Satan's whole being
is a constitution of pure Sin. The moment Lucifer
his being
became Death.
That does not mean he ceased to
exist as we humans comprehend
physical death
to be, for Angels being made of GOD's substance, do not die as man does.
They must be destroyed.
When Lucifer sinned, he became the embodiment of Death. He is 100% DEATH, pure Death, and absolute Death.
Death that has substance, existence, and consciousness.
Satan has a spiritual body, but he has no life within himself. That is why
he roams the earth seeking to devour the souls of men (1 Peter 5:8) which
invigorate and empower him. But the life-forces Satan consumes, he cannot
sustain indefinitely, for he IS Death and everything that is contained
within him must eventually also die. Therefore, no matter how much Satan devours,
it is never enough, for he is like a Black Hole at the edge of existence,
forever consuming but forever remaining empty and void of life.
Remember Satan's nature is Angelic. The attributes
he contained as an Archangel did not vanish when he fell. They were only REVERSED.
Satan still possesses the vast power, the strength, and the incredible
intelligence, he had as an Archangel. Like all Angels, Satan emanates his
essence into Creation, for that is the nature of all Angels. In the
beginning, he emanated Light and Holiness, now he emanates Darkness and
Satan cannot emanate what he is not, for he can only give of what he has, and
that means he can only give of what he is. While the other Angelic Hosts
emanate the Glory of GOD through themselves, Satan can only emanate Darkness, Defilement, and
DEATH, for that is ALL that he is.
Extreme in Nature
Satan is
extreme in essence and attribute. He is extreme to the extreme in
everything he does. When he does anything, he does it with 100% of his
being, his power, his might, and his intelligence, and he NEVER NEVER NEVER gives up. Perhaps this is the one and only thing humans can learn from
Satan, for we too must be as extreme and intense as he is in our Faithfulness
and Love for GOD.
Devious Intelligence
Never under-estimate your enemy. Even though Satan's substance is Death,
his perception and intelligence far surpasses all of mankind's. To give
you some idea of the incredible intelligence Satan possesses, imagine having ALL
of the world's knowledge so far. You would be the most intelligent person
in the world. Yet Satan's intelligence far greatly exceeds this, for not
only does he possess ALL of the knowledge of man so far, but he also possesses
ALL of the knowledge that man has yet to learn, PLUS he also possesses ALL of
the knowledge of the Angelic realms. The Bible says speaking of Satan:
Within Creation, there is nothing Satan does not know. Satan knows
everything there is to know about man and his Universe. He knows your
every thought, your every desire, your every intention, your every motivation,
your every strength, your every weakness. He knows your sins intricately,
even better than you know yourself, for he is part of them.
Knowing then how perfectly Satan knows man, the question is how well does man
know Satan? Can man even comprehend the supreme intelligence, the extreme
cunningness, and the ferocity of the absolute evil stalking him? No, man
has NO idea.
Advantage - Satan, Man - 0.
Names of the Devil
Just as GOD has many names which portray His attributes, the Devil also has many
names which portray his attributes. Each
name gives us a unique insight into his
essence and nature. Here are
4 of his most important names
which express his major attributes:
The name
Lucifer in Hebrew is Heylel
meaning son
of the dawn of Creation
or son
of the beginning of GOD's Creation.
Let us refer to the Book of Job for one moment. ...
while the Morning Stars sang together AND all the sons of GOD shouted for joy.
Job 38:6.
Have you noticed this is speaking of two Angelic groups? Why the
differentiation between Morning
and sons
of GOD?
Are they not all Angels? Yes but
refers to Archangels (the heavenly princes) whereas
of GOD
refers to the other Angels. Lucifer was a Morning Star - an Archangel. This
was created
at the very beginning of all of GOD's Creation. Heylel also means clear,
bright, shining.
Lucifer was as clear as the brightest crystal radiating perfect Light into the
Angelic Realms.
* This name is remanent
of what he once was in perfection.
the word is Baalzebub. The
word baal in Hebrew literally means false master or false lord.
Baalzebub means lord of defilement, or to make you understand it clearer,
the lord of the unclean. Satan is the lord of the spiritually
* This name reveals his
core substance - that of total Defilement (Sin).
ABADDON ~ Abaddon comes from the
Hebrew root abad
meaning to perish,
to be
cut-off. The last part of the word comes from the Hebrew root dohn
meaning ruin and/or
destruction, or more
precisely violent and utter destruction. Interestingly
enough, if you take the
first 3 letters of the word Abaddon, you get aba
a distortion of
the true Hebrew word father. (The correct word being
in Hebrew). This distortion is worth noting because
Satan is a distortion (perversion) of GOD the Father's identity. So if you put
all this together you get:
perverted father of violent utter Destruction.
* perverted father of Death.
This is the same as saying the Abomination
of Desolation.
* This
name reveals his core nature - the violent Destroyer.
the Opposer,
the one who stands in opposition to GOD and to His Creation. This
means much more than
simply being an adversary to mankind.
It means that Satan is in his nature the OPPOSITE of all things GOD created. For example, the opposite of Holiness is Defilement.
Satan not only brings defilement into Creation, he is defilement itself.
He is the originator and source of all defilement - because he is the
creator of it, the one who brought defilement into existence.
This name
reveals his core essence - the complete REVERSE of
Satanists summon Satan, they invoke these 4 names in unified succession, which
constitute the sum total of his being.
How is Satan
Satan is empowered by
Sin. Because Satan's essence is Sin, everything that sins partakes of his
nature. He who
sins is
of the Devil, for the Devil has sinned from the beginning ... 1 John 3:8.
A clearer translation
would be: He who
sins is PART of the Devil ...
because every time
you Sin, you are partaking of Satan's nature and become a human part of
him. The more and more you Sin,
the more and more you are transforming yourself into Satan's likeness. This
gives Satan the Legal Right to own you, control you, and rule over you.
who empowers Satan? Man does. The more man sins, the more man partakes of
Satan's essence, the more Satan is empowered, and the closer man moves into
eternal Death. If man could truly comprehend this, we would stop sinning
So humanity is
fuelling it's own destruction, for every time you Sin, YOU are giving Satan the
Power and the right to DESTROY you. It is like placing a loaded gun into your murderer's
hands. What immense foolishness Sin